1 Professor "Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages" (Freie Universität Berlin)

University Professor of the History of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Salary grade: W2 or equivalent. Reference code: W2HistLAEMA

Freie Universität Berlin (Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften - Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut)
Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften - Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut
Julian Helmchen, Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin

Salary grade: W2 or equivalent
Reference code: W2HistLAEMA
The successful applicant will cover research and teaching in the field of history of late antiq-uity and the early Middle Ages.

University Professor of the History of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Salary grade: W2 or equivalent. Reference code: W2HistLAEMA

The successful applicant will cover research and teaching in the field of history of late antiq-uity and the early Middle Ages.

Appointment requirements are governed by Section 100 of the Berlin Higher Education Act (Berliner Hochschulgesetz – BerIHG).

Successful candidates should have a research focus in the history of late antiquity and the early Middle Ages, as well as an excellent record of research activities with international visi-bility that cover and connect these two periods of history. They should have international teaching experience at the university level and experience in acquiring and leading externally funded research projects. Candidates must have excellent knowledge of German and Eng-lish and thus be able to teach in the respective language.

Along with the regular official duties of professors listed in Section 99 of the Berlin Higher Ed-ucation Act, we expect the appointee to engage in the following activities:

The successful candidate will contribute to teaching in degree programs with and without teacher training at the bachelor’s level, the master’s degree program “History,” the Master of Education “History,” and other departmental and interdisciplinary doctoral programs in Eng-lish that are still under development. They will also work on developing questions and re-search projects that span different historical periods. They will work together with the various established and planned research associations at Freie Universität Berlin and in other aca-demic and non-academic contexts affiliated with the aforementioned subject in Berlin. The new professor is also expected to contribute to the interdisciplinary work being done in con-junction with the Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender Studies. They should demon-strate sensitivity to gender and diversity issues in the context of their teaching, research, and administrative duties.

Applications should include a CV, copies of all certificates of academic qualification in German or English (please enclose translations where necessary), a list of publications, a list of courses previously taught, and evidence of teaching aptitude. Please include information on involve-ment in ongoing and future research endeavors, joint research projects, and externally funded projects. If necessary, please include language certificates. If applicable, please give infor-mation on partnerships with industry, inventions/patents, and spin-offs.

Please submit all application materials electronically as one PDF file (maximum 5 MB) by
February 9th, 2023. Be sure to include a personal postal address and email, as well as the reference code for the position. For formal purposes (i.e., for formatting application docu-ments), you may use the following postal address, but please send your application to the email address below it.

Freie Universität Berlin
Department of History and Cultural Studies
Dean’s Office
Attn: Heike Willingham
Fabeckstr. 23/25
14197 Berlin

Email: bewerbungen@geschkult.fu-berlin.de

Application documents will be deleted from our servers after the legal retention period has lapsed.

The regulations defined by the Berlin Higher Education Act that are relevant to professorships (Sections 99, 100, 101, 102a, 102c BerlHG) can be found online: https://www.fu-ber-lin.de/en/sites/berufungen/index.html.



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Englisch, Deutsch