0,5-0,75 PhD Student Position (f/m/x) "Graviz: The Ottoman Grand Vizierate 1560s–1760s" (Austrian Academy of Sciences Wien)

0,5-0,75 PhD Student Position (f/m/x) "Graviz: The Ottoman Grand Vizierate 1560s–1760s"

Austrian Academy of Sciences (Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies)
Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies
Gefördert durch
Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Vom - Bis
01.09.2023 - 31.08.2026
Yasir Yilmaz

The digital humanities project "Graviz: The Ottoman Grand Vizierate 1560s–1760s", funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), is about to hire a Ph.D. candidate (German-Latin paleography).

(Requirements revised: There is now no requirement to be an active Ph.D. student at a Ph.D.-granting institution. No previous knowledge or research experience in the field of Habsburg-Ottoman diplomacy is required. Deadline extended to April 17. Applications for the Ottoman history position is now closed.)

0,5-0,75 PhD Student Position (f/m/x) "Graviz: The Ottoman Grand Vizierate 1560s–1760s"

GraViz: The Ottoman Grand Vizierate (1560s to 1760s)” is a three-year project funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The project will be conducted as part of the ongoing IHB project “Digital Edition of Sources on Habsburg-Ottoman Diplomacy (1500-1918)” (qhod.net). The position is limited to 36 months. The start is scheduled for September 01st, 2023.

Your tasks:

- Archival research on the subject area of the project
- Editing of documents according to the edition guidelines of the project
- Participation in the administration of the project
- Presentation of results at workshops and conferences
- Publication of results and development of a concept for a dissertation in the thematic field of the project

Your profile:

- This position requires advanced linguistic and palaeographical skills:
- Professional command of written and spoken academic English
- Excellent command of German and Latin palaeography
- Knowledge of Italian and/or French is an advantage

- Completed BA and/or MA studies in history. (There is now NO requirement to be a enrolled in a PhD program to be eligible for application. NO previous knowledge of Ottoman-Habsburg diplomacy is required.)
- Experience in archival research, especially with handwritten early modern sources
- Working experience with TRANSKRIBUS, TEI, and other digital editing tools OR strong willingness to learn them
- Flexibility, communication skills, creativity, and readiness to work in an international team

The position is limited to 36 months (September 2023 - August 2026). We offer the opportunity to participate in an internationally networked research project and develop knowledge and skills in digital humanities and digital data presentation. For this position we offer an annual gross salary between 21.531,72 Euro to 32.297,58 Euro according to the collective agreement of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The final amount will be determined according to the weekly work hours agreed in the contract.

Please send your cover letter, CV, and a copy of your MA Thesis via e-mail in one PDF-file to IHB@oeaw.ac.at (mentioning Job ID: IHB012DOC223) no later than April 17th, 2023. For further information, contact Dr. Yasir Yılmaz at yasir.yilmaz@oeaw.ac.at.


Dr. Yasir Yılmaz

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