W1 Professorship (tenure-track) or W2 Professorship (with tenure) "Jewish Education and Pedagogy" (Heidelberg Univ. of Jewish Studies)

W1 Professorship (tenure-track) or W2 Professorship (with tenure) in Jewish Education and Pedagogy

Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies
Vom - Bis
01.04.2024 -
Url (PDF/Website)
Daniel Fuchs, Personalverwaltung, Hochschule für Jüdische Studien

The Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies seeks to fill a W1 Professorship (tenure-track) or W2 Professorship (with tenure) in Jewish Education and Pedagogy starting April 1, 2024.

W1 Professorship (tenure-track) or W2 Professorship (with tenure) in Jewish Education and Pedagogy

Candidates should have an international reputation of interdisciplinary scholarship in one or more of the following areas:

- Jewish Studies
- Jewish Education
- Educational Sciences
- Intercultural Pedagogy

A strong interest in any of the following will be an advantage:

- Formal and informal Jewish education and learning
- Didactics of Jewish education and learning
- Models of intercultural learning
- Professionalization of Jewish education
- Jewish identity development

The appointee will join the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies and will be expected to direct the Master of Education program in Jewish Religious Education, develop and teach courses at both B.A. and M.A. levels, publish high-quality research, apply for third-party funding, engage in administrative duties, provide leadership and mentorship roles, as well as participate in academic and professional activities.

Regarding the Master of Education program in Jewish Religious Education, the appointee will be expected to work closely with the University of Heidelberg’s School of Education. The appointee is furthermore expected to be willing to actively collaborate with Jewish communities, schools, and educational organizations in Germany.

The successful candidate will be employed under the terms of private law.

In addition to the general employment regulations of paragraph 47 of the LHG [state higher education law of Baden-Württemberg], required qualifications for the W2 professorship include a completed program of university studies in the field, pedagogical aptitude and an exceptional capacity for academic research as demonstrated by an outstanding PhD dissertation in a qualifying area, as well as additional academic publications of proven excellence.

In accordance with paragraph 51, par. 2 of the LHG [state higher education law of Baden-Württemberg], required qualifications for the W1 professorship include a completed program of university studies, pedagogical aptitude, which is, as a rule, to be demonstrated by experience in teaching or training, and an exceptional capacity for academic research, which, as a rule, should be demonstrated by a PhD dissertation of outstanding quality. This junior professorship is intended as a tenure-track position. The attainment of suitable achievements in research and teaching will be reviewed as part of the tenure process. After a successfully completed trial period, it will be possible to advance a W2 professorship with tenure. For additional information on the tenure-track process, see our website at: http://www.hfjs.eu/md/hfjs/hochschule/leitungsorgane/satzung_uber_die_evaluation_von_juniorprofessoren_und_tenure_track__stand_29.01.2020.pdf (German only).

A willingness to procure outside funding, to participate in academic self-governance, and to seek collaboration with Heidelberg University are prerequisites. The languages of instruction are German and English. The administrative language of the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies is German, and therefore, the acquisition of sufficient German language skills is expected within the first three years of employment.

The Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies is committed to equal opportunity and diversity. Applicants with severe disabilities will be given preference over equally qualified non-disabled applicants.

We ask for your application no later than September 8th 2023 in digital form, combined into one single PDF file including the usual documents.

Please send your application materials to the chairman of the hiring committee: Prof. Werner Arnold, Rector of the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies, E-Mail: rektor@hfjs.eu.


Tel.: 06221 - 54 192 00

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