Two Chairs in European History

Two Chairs in European History

European University Institute
San Domenico di Fiesole (Firenze), Italy
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European University Institute

for research and postgraduate training in the social sciences and humanities

is looking for candidates with a distinguished record of scholarly publications and experience in postgraduate teaching and doctoral supervision, to fill

Two Chairs in European History (HEC1/HEC6)

The Department of History and Civilization invites applications for two soon-to-be-vacated Chairs. One appointment will start in January 2005, and the other in September 2005.

The first of these Chairs (HEC6) will be in the field of twentieth century history. Candidates with particular expertise in comparative European social and/or cultural history are especially invited to apply.

The other Chair (HEC1) will be filled by someone especially interested in the history of science and scientific practices (including social science, medicine, technology), able to cover these themes in the longue duree of European history.

The Department seeks to appoint methodologically innovative historians of international standing, willing to supervise and work closely with doctoral students on a wide range of topics. Candidates with an orientation towards interdisciplinary and cooperative research are strongly invited to apply.

One of the chairs will be filled at the senior level, the other at the lower/medium level of the EUI professorial scale.

Contracts are for five years, renewable for further three years. The Institute is an equal opportunity employer.

Deadline for receipt of applications is 20 April 2004.

Interested candidates should contact the Head of the Academic Service, Dr. Andreas Frijdal, in order to receive an application and information pack.