Assistant Professor "Serbo-Croatian and South East European Studies" (Univ. Aarhus, Denmark)

Assistant Professor "Serbo-Croatian and South East European Studies" (Univ. Aarhus, Denmark)

The Institute of History and Area Studies, University of Aarhus/Denmark
Vom - Bis
01.07.2007 -
Rafn, Knud

The Institute of History and Area Studies, at the University of Aarhus in Denmark, invites applications for an assistant professorship in Serbo-Croatian and South East European studies with a special emphasis on Yugoslavia and its successor states. The position is tenable from January 1, 2007.

Applicants should document scholarly specialization within the study of Yugoslavia and its successor states. It is essential that applicants can document high-level competences in the Serbo-Croatian language, and experiences in teaching it. Broader competences within the study of South Eastern European history and/or South Eastern European societies will be appreciated. Serbo-Croatian is used here to refer to one or more versions of what is domestically called Serbian, Croatian, and Bosnian.

Applicants must hold a primary degree or higher degree or equivalent involving Serbo-Croatian language and have completed a PhD in Slavic Studies, South Eastern European Studies, History, Social Sciences, or another area relevant to the primary duties of the post. An assessment committee will evaluate the applicants, who must present sound records of pedagogical skills.

The assistant professor will have prime responsibility for the study programme in Serbo-Croatian Studies, and will be expected to contribute to the strengthening of the Eastern and Central European dimension of the study programmes in European Studies and International Studies.

The Institute of History and Area Studies comprises of four departments, the Department of Slavic and Hungarian Studies, the Department of East Asian Studies, the Department of European Studies and the Department of History. It offers programmes in History, European Studies (including Eastern and Central Europe), International Studies, and language based area studies in Russian, Czech, Serbo-Croatian, Hungarian, Chinese, Japanese and South Asian Studies. The institute has an academic staff of around 50 persons and some 900 students.

Informal inquiries may be directed to the Head of Institute Jan Ifversen, tel +45 8942 6492, e-mail
Applicants without any knowledge of Danish would be expected, if appointed, to acquire within two years a sufficient level of proficiency in the language to be able to participate in all the activities of the Institute.

It is expected that the person appointed will be present at the Institute on a normal daily basis.
Prospective candidates are invited to view the Institute's web pages at

All are invited to apply, regardless of age, gender, race, religion and ethnicity. Applicants must submit curriculum vitae, a list of publications, documentation of teaching experience and other qualifications and 3 copies of a maximum of 5 publications to be considered in the evaluation. For further information see

The Faculty refers to the Ministerial Order No. 170 of 17. March 2005 about the appointment of teaching and research staff at Danish universities.

Salary and other terms of employment will be in accordance with the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Organizations, including the agreed-upon job structure.

The letter of application (marked with the number mentioned below) should be addressed to the University of Aarhus, Journalkontoret, Ndr. Ringgade 1, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.

Publications (also marked with the number mentioned below) should be sent to the Institute of History and Area Studies, University of Aarhus, Building 1410, Ndr. Ringgade, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

Closing date: Monday 7. August 2006, 12.00, midday.
Please mark the application: 2006-212/1-95

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