W2-Professur "Mittelalterliche Geschichte" (Univ. Erfurt)

W2-Professur "Mittelalterliche Geschichte" (Univ. Erfurt)

Universität Erfurt
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Kerstin Amrhein

The Faculty of Philosophy of the Universität of Erfurt invites applications for a professorship, to be filled in connection with the newly created research focus on cultures of knowledge (‘Wissenskulturen’).

The position is conditional on funding through the BMBF-Professorinnenprogramm.

Professor (W2) of Medieval History

The position holder will teach at all levels, mainly in medieval history and with a concentration on European history. She/He will have a record of research in late medieval history and will actively contribute to interdisciplinary research projects relating to the interdisciplinary research focus on cultures of knowledge and a disciplinary research project on “Entgrenzung und Regionalisierung”. The ability to relate research projects to the singular stock of medieval and early modern books in the university library (“Amploniana”) will be an asset. (For information see www.uni-erfurt.de/amploniana/). We ask applicants to include in their dossier a brief sketch indicating their own perspective on these research foci and their future research plans. For information about the Department of History see: www.uni-erfurt.de/historisches_seminar/.

Teaching in the Universität Erfurt is bilingual in German and English. Employment will be conditional (following § 77 Thüringer Hochschulgesetz) on a doctoral degree, a ‘Habilitation’ or equivalent research achievements, and teaching experience. Applications by handicapped applicants will, given equal abilities and qualifications, be privileged.

For enquiries please contact the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Prof. Dr. Carsten Held (carsten.held@uni-erfurt.de). Your application dossier should include a CV with publications and teaching record, copies of academic certificates, and a sketch of research plans. The closing date for complete applications (in hard copy) is Monday 21 April 2008.

Applications should be addressed to:

Dekan der Philosophischen Fakultät
Prof. Dr. Carsten Held
Universität Erfurt
Postfach 900221
99105 Erfurt

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