Postdoctoral fellowship "International History of Concentration Camps" (Trinity College Dublin)

Postdoctoral fellowship "International History of Concentration Camps" (Trinity College Dublin)

University of Dublin, Trinity College
Vom - Bis
01.07.2008 - 30.06.2011
Url (PDF/Website)
Alan Kramer

Postdoctoral research fellowship for the project ‘International History of Concentration Camps until 1941’

History Department, School of Histories and Humanities, Trinity College Dublin

Duration: 36 months
Starting date: 1 July or 1 September 2008

A full-time vacancy has arisen for a motivated and well-organized postdoctoral research fellow (‘Associate Investigator’) to work on the research project ‘International History of Concentration Camps until 1941’. This post is funded by the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences with a Thematic Project Grant. The duties will include research for the project, writing up results of the research for publication, and assistance with the organization of a workshop and a conference. It is expected that the AI will work closely with the international research network that is now in place, and participate in the intellectual life of the Centre for War Studies at Trinity College Dublin. The successful applicant should hold a Ph.D in History, preferably in an area associated with the project. Excellent command of at least one of the following languages (in addition to English) is essential: German, Russian, French, Serbo-Croat.
The funding of the Fellowships follows the levels and conditions laid down under the IRCHSS Post-Doctoral Scheme. The salary will be EUR 31,745 p.a. plus social insurance, pension contributions, and a travel allowance.
Further information can be obtained from Professor Alan Kramer (

Applications must include:
(a) a curriculum vitae, including list of publications, year and (where relevant) class of your degrees, original title and where appropriate English translation of degrees, and contact details of two academic referees.
(b) a brief description (500 words) of the potential research to be undertaken during the tenure of the fellowship and how your experience will allow you to deliver the required research.

Applications should be sent by post or e-mail to:
Professor Alan Kramer
Department of History
Trinity College
Dublin 2

The closing date for applications is 9 May 2008. Interviews will be held in June.