Junior Professorship W1 "Environmental History" (Univ. Kiel)

Junior Professorship W1 "Environmental History" (Univ. Kiel)

Universität Kiel
Ulrich Müller

The Graduate School „Human Development in Landscapes“ which has been established as part of the DFG Excellence-Initiative at the Christian Albrechts-University in Kiel, Germany, invites applications for a

Junior Professorship (W1) Environmental History

at the Ecology Center as soon as possible.

The Professorship will be initially appointed for 3 years and the salary will be graded at level W1. Dependent on performance after these three years, the position can be extended by up to 3 years. After a positive evaluation a prolongation as Professor at W2 level is possible (Tenure- Track).

The appointee will research and lecture according the concepts of the Graduate School “Human Development in Landscapes”(www.uni-kiel.de/landscapes). Thus, the thematic of the relationship between society and environment is expected to be researched in an interdisciplinary way.

The study focus of the Junior Professorship will be the confluence of Natural- Archaeological- and Historical Sciences state of knowledge on Environmental History, as well as the quantitative and qualitative analysis of cultural landscapes.

The Junior Professor will give lectures as part of the Graduate School lecture plan and s/he will be expected to actively participate in the conceptualisation and development of the interdisciplinary research and teaching at the Graduate School in cooperation with a second Junior Professor. There are two PhD scholarships as part of the own research group.

The appointee should be willing to cooperate to the interdisciplinary research theme of environmental and societal interactions (www.uni-kiel.de/landscapes). As part of the teaching programme, s/he will be in charge of lectures for doctoral students of the Graduate School, as well as bachelor and master students.

Candidates must hold a PhD degree (with a dissertation graded as excellent) and demonstrate a solid international publications record.

For additional information please contact Prof. Dr. Johannes Müller (johannes.mueller@ufg.uni-kiel.de).

The Christian Albrechts University is seeking to increase the proportion of women scientists and encourage applications from qualified women. Female applicants will be treated with priority if their qualifications and achievements are equal to those of male applicants. The University offers a family-friendly working environment and is proactive with respect to double-career families.

The University supports the employment of disabled persons. Persons with disabilities will, with appropriate qualifications and aptitudes, be employed preferentially.

Applications including a curriculum vitae, copies of diploma, a list of publications and three particularly relevant reprints as well as a short statement on current and future research should be submitted by September, 26th 2008 to:

Dean of the
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
D-24098 Kiel, Germany

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