1 Professur (associate or full) "Mittel- und Osteuropäischer Geschichte des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit" (CEU Budapest)

1 Professur (associate or full) "Mittel- und Osteuropäischer Geschichte des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit" (CEU Budapest)

Central European University
Vom - Bis
01.09.2009 -
Url (PDF/Website)
Niels Gaul

Senior position
Medieval and Early Modern East-Central/Eastern European History

Central European University (CEU) invites applications for a senior appointment (associate or full professor) in Medieval and Early Modern East-Central/Eastern European History.

CEU is an English-speaking, research-intensive postgraduate university located in Budapest, Hungary, chartered in the U.S. and accredited both in the U.S. and in Hungary. Its primary mission is to contribute to the development of open societies in the post-Communist and the developing countries by promoting academic excellence, critical thought and cutting-edge research. CEU enrolls each year around 1,000 students from over eighty countries. The academic staff consists of around a hundred faculty from over thirty countries.
The Medieval Studies Department, with a permanent faculty of eighteen, lays great emphasis on team-teaching, joint seminars and close thesis-supervision. We have a cooperative MA program with CEU's Modern History Department and an independent PhD program in Interdisciplinary Medieval, Byzantine and Late Antique Studies with a strong institutional and social history component.


Teaching of Medieval European, especially Eastern European legal, social, institutional history, conflict resolution from the eleventh through to sixteenth century as well as active participation and contribution in the further development and teaching of interdisciplinary courses in topics such as historiography, institutional and social history, and/or legal history at master and doctoral level.
Contribute to research in the field of East-Central European Medieval History with the foci described above, including the development of grant proposals and the implementation of projects. Research time is in principle 35 % of the full time position.
Perform organizational and management tasks in the Comparative History program.

The successful candidate is expected to teach in the Master and Doctoral degree programs of the Medieval Studies Department and to carry out research within the given realm. S/he will contribute to the teaching of the two-year MA in Comparative History of East-Central and South-Central Europe, too.


University graduate (PhD in History), preferably reflecting an interdisciplinary approach and methodology (a degree in Law and/or Economics is an asset).
Substantial international publications in the aforementioned fields.
Experience of teaching at university level in this area.
Active research agenda in the area of East Central/Eastern European Medieval History.
Fluency in English.


Extensive research record.
Administrative experience.
Extensive international connections.

The selected candidate will be expected to participate in the department's joint Research Methods course, adding her/his expertise in the field of East Central European institutional and social history, and to teach two seminar and a lecture-seminar series on East-Central Europe. S/he will also be expected to give advanced courses in Historiography. Additional responsibilities would include to provide discipline-specific instruction and consultation to master- and doctoral-level students and to participate in the MA and PhD seminars regularly held at the department with the participation of the department's entire faculty. The Department of Medieval Studies would be happy to receive a mature professor with extensive publications and specialized research interest in East-Central European Medieval History, such as social, political and economic history, and/or the development of legal thought.

Please send applications including curriculum vitae, publications list, names and addresses of three referees to the Rector and President of Central European University, c/o Judit Pallos, Human Resources Office, Central European University, Nádor u. 9, H-1051 Budapest, fax: + 36 (1) 235-6135, e-mail: ceu-hro@ceu.hu.

CEU is an equal opportunity employer.