W1 Professur "Spaces of Anthropological Knowledge: Production and Transfer" (Ruhr-Univ. Bochum)

W1 Professur "Spaces of Anthropological Knowledge: Production and Transfer" (Ruhr-Univ. Bochum)

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Url (PDF/Website)
Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Opportunities for Post-Doctoral Researchers

Ruhr University Bochum, one of Germany’s leading research universities, in cooperation with Stiftung Mercator will establish the Mercator Research Group “Spaces of Anthropological Knowledge: Production and Transfer”. Four junior professors will be appointed and given the opportunity to form an independent research team. We invite post-doctoral researchers to apply for the following
professorship (W1) positions:

We are looking for young scholars at an early stage of their career with an excellent potential for independent research. A working knowledge of German is essential. We offer:
- full independence
- salary at W1-professorship level for 6 years
- academic infrastructure, equipment and excellent funding, including
- a budget to invite senior/emeritus scientists as mentors and guest researchers
- a budget for scholarships to recruit a group of doctoral students
- secretarial assistance
- an inspiring research environment including Philosophy and History of Science, Literary Studies, Media Studies and Cultural Psychology

Further details are provided at: www.rub.de/mrg

To apply please send a letter of application describing your background and research interests, a detailed curriculum vitae, and a list of publications electronically by 15 June 2009 to rektor@rub.de
(subject: “Spaces of Anthropological Knowledge”).

Applications can be submitted in English or German and should include the names, addresses and contact details of three academic referees who are familiar with the applicant’s work.
Selected candidates will be invited to participate in a scientific colloquium in autumn 2009.
Ruhr University Bochum is committed to diversity in its staff, faculty, and student body. Applications from all disciplines in the social science and humanities are encouraged. Since we seek to increase the participation of women in areas in which they are currently underrepresented, we explicitly encourage women to apply.
Individuals with disabilities will be favored in case of equal qualifications among competing candidates.

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