2-6 PhD opportunities "Urban studies" (Univ. Maastricht)

2-6 PhD opportunities "Urban studies" (Univ. Maastricht)

Maastricht University
Vom - Bis
01.09.2011 - 31.08.2015
Bas van Heur

There are now six PhD positions available at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Maastricht University (see description below). Interested candidates are expected to submit a proposal in relation to one of the project themes listed online: http://www.fdcw.org/phdprogram (Best to use Internet Explorer to check the sites, since there seem to be compatibility problems with other browsers.)

Two of the themes within the Science, Technology and Society Studies (STS) group focus on urban studies:

1) Technological Urbanism and Knowledge-Production (project 8)

2) Cultural Mega-Events and Urban Development (project 9)

For more information, please see: http://www.fdcw.org/phdprogram/2007/06/sts.html

Pursue your PhD at Maastricht University

The Graduate School of Arts and Social Sciences of Maastricht University opens six fully funded PhD positions in the field of arts and social sciences. The program is characterized by its interdisciplinary approach and its international character, focused on three topics:
1. European Administrative Governance;
2. Science, Technology and Society, including Globalization and Development;
3. Cultural Memory and Diversity.

You will receive a coherent program of introductory courses and intensive supervision, complemented by additional courses organized by a national graduate school. PhD candidates are offered a 3 or 4 year contract, a competitive salary and a bench fee to cover research-related costs. The condition of a 4 year contract is to undertake a limited amount of teaching duties.

Please check our website http://www.fdcw.org/phdprogram for more information and details on the application procedure. More information on the stimulating and international environment of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences can be found at http://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/web/Faculties/FASoS.htm . The deadline for submitting your application is Wednesday 23 March. Contracts usually start on 1 September.

If you are curious and talented and if you have the ambition to become an excellent researcher, we would be delighted to hear from you!

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