1 Ph.D. position "Transition of agriculture and food processing in the Netherlands (1850-2000)" (Univ. Eindhoven)

1 Ph.D. position "Transition of agriculture and food processing in the Netherlands (1850-2000)" (Univ. Eindhoven)

Technical University of Eindhoven
Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Vom - Bis
01.01.2012 - 01.01.2016
Url (PDF/Website)
prof.dr.ir. Harry Lintsen

Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences, Technical University Eindhoven

Ph.D. position: transition of agriculture and food processing in the Netherlands (1850-2000), 1.0 FTE.

Location: Eindhoven
Function types: PhD positions, Research, History
Hours: 38.0 hours per week
Salary: Maximum of €2612
Education: University Graduate
End procedure: October 22, 2011
Jobnumber: V39.1423

Description of the position
Recently the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) decided to fund the Program ‘Historical Roots of the Dutch Sustainability Challenge: The Impact of the Utilization of Material Resources on the Modernization of Dutch Society, 1850-2010’. Most studies of sustainability analyse the present and the future. This program has a different approach: it aims to unearth the historical roots of the present problems. The Program will first establish a quantitative picture of the production and use of energy carriers, agricultural products, materials and waste products. Then the Program will analyse also qualitatively regime transitions in production, consumption and emissions in three particular domains: 1 energy and chemistry 2 agriculture and food processing 3 building and infrastructure. These case studies will establish whether the Netherlands struggled with sustainability issues in the past and how these changed? Enable transformations in the past to gain insight in the actual transformation to a more sustainable society?

The University of Eindhoven, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences, offers a Ph.D. position for the subproject dealing with Agriculture and Foodprocessing. The Ph.D. will participate in the initial quantitative stage establishing material flows and the relevant economic, technical and ecological parameters. He then will focus upon the institutional context of transition issues, socio-technical regime characteristics and the dynamics of product-process chains. The question is to identify and explain both the emergence and persistence of sustainability problems in this domain.

The Ph.D. will be member of a team researchers working at the University of Groningen, the Technical University of Eindhoven and Netherlands Statistics Bureau (CBS).

We expect
We are interested in enthusiastic individuals who recently finished a Master program in innovation sciences, history or social sciences. Crucial is an interest both in quantitative and qualitative research. Experience with historical sources and/or statistics is an advantage. Knowledge of Dutch is important as well fluency in English. We value greatly working within an interdisciplinary team, excellent skills of communication and the ability to do self-reliant research.

We offer
We offer a PhD position for four years. After the first year, you will be evaluated. The salary is € 2042 during the first year rising to € 2612 (gross) in the fourth year. You will be involved in the teaching program of the University for 15 % of your time. The University of Eindhoven offers good secondary employment conditions and good facilities for sport and cultural activities.

prof.dr.ir. Harry Lintsen, 040-2472880 (TU/e) of 0641421527 (mob.), email: h.w.lintsen@tue.nl

The project application for the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) is available on demand. Contact: Iris Custers-Houx, email: i.j.c.custers.houx@tue.nl

For more information about the Faculty and procedures, contact Caren van Overdijk, HR advisor department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences, tel: 040-2475204, email: c.j.m.v.overdijk@tue.nl

If you are interested, we invite you to apply before October 22, 2011, please click here for your applicationform.

We expect:
1 a letter of application discussing motivation, research interests and skills
2 a curriculum vitae indicating education, experience with research and jobs, publications and contact information of one, preferably two referees.

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