Postdoctoral Researcher "Housing / Architectural Research" (ETH Zürich)

Postdoctoral Researcher "Housing / Architectural Research" (ETH Zürich)

ETH Zürich
Vom - Bis
01.01.2013 - 30.06.2014
Dr. Marie Glaser

The ETH CASE Centre for Research on Architecture, Society & the Built Environment is research partner of ETH Chair of Architecture and Building Process of Professor Sacha Menz in the Future Cities Laboratory (FCL), the first research program of the Singapore ETH Centre for Global Environmental Sustainability (SEC).

The research team will pursue a dual-track approach that combines building analysis with qualitative empirical methods from the cultural and social sciences, exploring the development of high-density housing typologies in Singapore from the 1960s to present. The research project will be carried out in the form of empirical case studies of four housing estates, surveying the use and appropriation of common space in and around the buildings, on the one hand, and, ratios and relations of built surfaces, including construction costs, on the other.

In order to contribute to this research, as of January 1, 2013, ETH CASE is seeking a highly qualified

Postdoctoral Researcher (qualitative empirical methods in housing/ architectural research)

The successful candidate will be responsible for the analysis of the four case studies with focus on the use and appropriation of semi-private and public spaces of the buildings. Depending on the candidate's qualifications, he or she will carry out additional administrative duties in Singapore.

The researcher will relocate in January 2013 to Singapore to work closely in a team at the SEC for the 18-month duration of the innovative project.

Required is a master’s degree in urban sociology, cultural anthropology, human geography or equivalent and experience in carrying out qualitative research projects as well as in empirical fieldwork; ideally, the successful applicant should hold a PhD degree and already have experience working in an interdisciplinary team. The position requires an excellent command of the English language, project management skills, and experience in working independently as well as in an interdisciplinary team.

For additional information, please contact
Dr. Marie Glaser
+41 44 633 26 04,

Applications with a cover letter and a CV should be sent online to:
Dr. Marie Antoinette Glaser
ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE Centre for Research on Architecture, Society & the Built Environment
Faculty of Architecture

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