2x doctoral positions "The Global Production and Circulation of Knowledge of Punishment and Social Control" (University of Bern)

2x doctoral positions "The Global Production and Circulation of Knowledge of Punishment and Social Control" (University of Bern)

University of Bern
Vom - Bis
01.06.2013 -
Url (PDF/Website)
Scheuzger, Stephan

The Institute of History at the University of Bern, Switzerland, invites applications for two 100% doctoral positions (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) affiliated to the Swiss National Science Foundation Professorship held by Dr Stephan Scheuzger. The positions are tenable from 1 June 2013 and form part of the research group ‘The Global Production and Circulation of Knowledge of Punishment and Social Control: An Entangled History of Techniques of Confinement and Criminal Identification, c. 1830 – 1930’.

The research project is dedicated to the study of the production and transfer of knowledge about the functions and organisation of the modern prison on a global scale as well as of the significance of these circulations for the development of local punishment regimes. The focus lies on the one hand on the knowledge about the techniques of confinement and, on the other hand on the knowledge about criminality and delinquents essentially produced and utilised within the penal system.

The successful candidates will carry out sub-projects about the prison system in Great Britain and in British India in its global entanglements respectively to write their doctoral theses. The positions offer the possibility to collaborate in an internationally well-linked and innovative project in a dynamic academic context. The positions are remunerated in accordance with the salaries of the Swiss National Science Foundation for doctoral students and are based on a 4-year contract (the annual salary starts with CHF 41’400 in the first and reaches CHF 47’400 in the fourth year).

Requirements for the application are:
- M.A. (or equivalent) in History (above-average qualification)
- Proficiency in English and German (applications from native speakers of English with only basic or no knowledge of German are possible if the candidate presents a promising profile in the other areas and is able and seriously willing to acquire a good knowledge of German within reasonable time)
- Interest in research at the interface between global history, cultural history, social history and the history of knowledge
- Ability to work independently and to cooperate in a team
- Availability for longer research stays in Great Britain and/or India

Assets are:
- Knowledge in one or more of these areas: global history, colonial history, cultural history, history of knowledge, British and/or Indian history
- Experience in archival work
- Proficiency in other languages

To apply, please submit:
- CV (including a list of academic publications, if any)
- Cover letter explaining your interest in the project and describing the suitability of your qualifications for the position
- Copy of academic certificates
- Copy of Master thesis (or equivalent)
- Letter of reference from at least one academic teacher and details of another academic person who could act as referee

Applications should be sent as PDFs by e-mail to the following address by 28 February 2013: scheuzger@history.gess.ethz.ch

For further information, please contact Dr Stephan Scheuzger at: scheuzger@history.gess.ethz.ch.

A brief description of the overall research project is published (in German) at: http://www.gmw.ethz.ch/research/projects_all/stephanscheuzger/wissenvonstrafe

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