0,5 Research Fellow "Musikwissenschaft" (Univ. Salzburg)

0,5 Research Fellow "Musikwissenschaft" (Univ. Salzburg)

Universität Salzburg
Salzburg, Paris
Vom - Bis
01.09.2013 - 31.08.2016
Universität Salzburg

Job: Research Fellow (Musicology, Doc/PostDoc, 50%)
The international research project “New Music Festivals as Agorai–Their Formation and Impact on Warsaw Autumn, Festival d'automne (Paris), and Wien Modern since 1980” at the Department of Art History, Musicology, and Dance Studies in Salzburg is seeking a versatile and experienced musicologist with commensurate salary.

- Starting date: September 2013; duration: three years

- Part time position: 50% (Doc/PostDoc)

- Project description: The project’s thesis is, that new music festivals strongly influenced the development of new music and related public cultural practices in the past decades, which led to the establishment of numerous additional new music festivals and ensembles beginning in the 1980s. From about 2000 an increased public interest in new music can be stated. Festivals in three different European states and language regions - with careful attention paid to include the East European sphere - will be the focus: “Warsaw Autumn” (Poland, since 1956), “Festival d’automne” in Paris (France, since 1972), and “Wien Modern” (Austria, since 1988). They mirror the open “postmodern” Zeitgeist, which goes beyond old cultural barriers and have become a significant part of the music industry, which includes festival tourism. This study claims to be the first in Musicology to pursue the topic using a methodically complex and multidimensional survey. It will not only capture the international scene of new art music for the first time transnationally, but shall also, starting from Austria, become a mediator between national cultures of music research. The concepts of “cultural turns” provide an initial basis for the project’s approaches from exploratory documentary archival work (database) through the sociology of music (quantitative and qualitative), historiographic approaches, music analysis to music mediation/education and management. All three festivals indicated their support of the project in written form, and expect, as does the project leader, sustainable positive dissemination effects.

- Duties: Responsible researcher on the festival “Festival d’automne” in Paris in collaboration with this festival and with the other two researchers on Warsaw Autumn and Wien Modern research area of head of the project) as well as with the research assistant in Salzburg, and in accordance with the project’s concept. Regular meetings will be coordinated. Duties include the research itself, its documentation on the project’s website (database, no html required), to support the project’s international network with the goal to expand the project beyond 2016, participation and lectures at scholarly conferences and other assemblies, delivery of essential parts (in English or German) of the final book and multimedia publication. Further software training is partly possible.

- Prerequisites: Master/Magister Artium or Doctorate in Musicology or an adjacent field, fluent scholarly English and fluent French (in speaking and writing), research/publications in the area of contemporary (Western) art music and/or contemporary musical practice/culture in general.

- Desirable additional qualifications: interest in a broad interdisciplinary spectrum of methods as needed for the project, experience in methods of quantitative and qualitative social research and related software and with databases, organizational skills, German language skills, experience with content management systems (CMS) for the project’s website.

- Personal qualifications: independent, communicative, strident, and empathic personality with awareness for the sensitive topics of this project, ready to integrate her-/himself in the project’s international team, support in the development of international exchange in research and between research and cultural agents.

For more information please contact the project leader via email (in English or German).

Please send a letter of application including a statement about your motivation, a complete CV, your list of publications, up to three of your texts, proofs of examinations, and–optional–one or two letters of recommendation via email to the project leader:


Application Deadline: July 28, 2013

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