Academic Research Assistant "Aramean Studies" (Univ. Konstanz)

Academic Research Assistant "Aramean Studies" (Univ. Konstanz)

Universität Konstanz
Vom - Bis
01.06.2015 - 01.06.2015
Url (PDF/Website)
Prof. Dr. Dorothea Weltecke

The University of Konstanz, with its „Institutional Strategy to promote Top-Level Research“, has been receiving continuous funding since 2007 within the framework of the Excellence Initiative by the German Federal and State Governments.

In cooperation with the University of Konstanz, the Foundation for Aramean Studies has created a research unit for Aramean Studies in order to provide an institutional framework for the study of aramean heritage, its present and future, and to further new research. In close interaction with the fields of history and sociology, Aramean Studies should be developed as a research area in its own right within Germany.

The research unit is affiliated to the Department of History and Sociology at the University of Konstanz and is headed by Prof. Dr. Dorothea Weltecke.

The research unit offers from 01.06.2015 a 50 % position as a

Academic Research Assistant
(Salary Scale 13 TV-L)

initially on a temporary basis for a two year period. An extension is envisaged.

The successful candidate pursues his or her own research for qualification (doctorate, Dr. phil) within the field of Aramean Studies and conducts organisational work for the research unit (coordination with universities, establishment of a database and a web-portal, organisation of conferences, developing communication structures). Taking over teaching responsibilities is possible.

Applicants are encouraged to develop their own research projects within the field of social, cultural and economic history of regions (e.g. Tur Abdin, Hakkari, Ninive Plain, Wadi Qadisha etc.), of cities (e.g. Aleppo, Melitene, Nisibin, Mosul etc.) or rural regions (e.g. around monasteries). Research projects within the field of modern and recent history, especially the history of expulsion, genocide (Sayfo), diaspora, emigration and integration are preferred. Historical research projects within the period 500-1500 will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Dorothea Weltecke. For other doctoral projects, applicants are asked to contact possible scientific advisors at the University of Konstanz and to include confirmation of an official supervisor.


- Above-average university degree in history or sociology, or a subject in the field of Middle Eastern studies,
- interest in interdisciplinary research of Aramean Studies,
- capacity for teamwork,
- interest in creative organisational work.

The University of Konstanz is an equal opportunity employer that tries to increase the number of women in research and teaching.

The University of Konstanz has been certified as a family-friendly institution by the Hertie Foundation and is committed to further the compatibility of work and family life.

The University of Konstanz offers a „Dual Career Couples Program“. Information can be obtained from: .

The University of Konstanz encourages disabled persons to apply. They will be given preference if appropriately qualified (contact + 49 (0) 7531/88-4016 und 88-2834).

Please send your application with the usual documents and a research idea (max 5 pages) at the latest on 1 April 2015, to Prof. Dr. Dorothea Weltecke, Professur für die Geschichte der Religionen, Universität Konstanz, Fach 12, 78457 Konstanz, indicating the reference number 2015 / 010.

For a German version of the job advertisement please visit our website: .