1 PostDoc "Morality in Modern and Contemporary Societies" (Univ. of Helsinki)

1 PostDoc "Morality in Modern and Contemporary Societies" (Univ. of Helsinki)

University of Helsinki
United Kingdom
Vom - Bis
01.08.2018 - 31.07.2021
Prof Frank Trentmann


The Faculty of Social Sciences invites applications for the position of


for a three-year fixed term period from 1 August 2018 onwards (or as agreed).

This post-doctoral researcher will explore a moral subject of concern in modern or contemporary societies. The last few years have witnessed a new interest in the role of moral values and moral actions in society, ranging from humanitarianism, charity and “caring at a distance” to debates about moral economy, fairness and ethical consumption. The moral workings of modern society have been attracting growing attention in history, geography, anthropology, sociology and other fields. The post-doctoral position will make a contribution to these debates through focused research and analysis of a case study of their own choice and by providing assistance to Prof Trentmann on his project about moral histories.

An appointee to the position must hold a doctoral degree in the social sciences or humanities or equivalent qualification and should have an interest in interdisciplinary and historical work. Moreover, he or she is expected to have the ability to conduct independent scientific research and possess the teaching skills required for the position. Duties of the postdoctoral researcher include teaching at the Faculty (5 % of the annual workload). To fulfill the research requirements of the position, the applicant chosen is expected to be physically present on a regular basis and actively participate in the research and teaching activities. We welcome applicants who conduct international research and field work outside Finland.

The successful candidate will explore their project through a range of appropriate sources (archival, printed and/or visual materials) and with the methodological skills will be appropriate to the disciplinary concerns of the study and can include historiography, ethnography, sociology, political economy and theory. In addition to their own journal articles and publications, the researcher will share findings and contribute to co-authored papers. The post-doc will provide research support (e.g. literature reviews, compiling of bibliographies and lists of sources). The post-doc will contribute to interdisciplinary and collaborative activities at the Consumer Society Research Centre, University of Helsinki.

When assessing applicants, additional advantage will be granted for research experience with a variety of archives, libraries and databases, and ability to work with a range of sources and employ a range of methods. Proven teamwork skills and commitment to academic collaboration is considered an advantage. Scholarly work outside of Finland, international peer-reviewed publications, experience of collaborative and interdisciplinary research are a further merit for the position. In addition, the candidates are expected to have high level of academic writing in English, and working knowledge of German (minimum reading knowledge).

The salary shall be based on level 5 of the job requirement scheme for teaching and research staff in the salary system of Finnish universities. In addition, a salary component based on personal performance will be paid. The annual gross salary range will be approx. 41,000 – 50,000 euros, depending on the appointee’s qualifications and experience. In addition, occupational healthcare will be provided. The employment contract will include a probationary period of six months.

Applicants are requested to enclose with their applications the following documents in English. Please compile all documents as a single pdf file:

1) A curriculum vitae
2) A numbered list of publications on which the applicant has marked in bold her or his five key publications to be considered during the review
3) A statement (max 2 pages) outlining how the applicant’s expertise could contribute to this specific core research area of a moral subject of concern in modern or contemporary societies
4) A summary (max. 2 pages) on the applicant’s scholarly activities including original research at an international level, international academic networks, local co-operation, success in obtaining research funding
5) A two-page outline of your proposed project, which can be contemporary or historical, and is open to any region of the world.

Instructions about preparing the CV and list of publications and the documentation of teaching merits can be found in the following web address: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/faculty-of-social-sciences/faculty/applying-f...

Please submit your application through the University of Helsinki Recruitment System by clicking the link Apply for job. Applicants who are employees of the University of Helsinki are requested to submit their application via the SAP HR portal, saphr.it.helsinki.fi.

Shortlisted candidates should be prepared to attend an interview in Helsinki on Friday 25 May 2018, morning to lunchtime. We anticipate the shortlist to be finalised by 7 May 2018 and contact invited candidates.

Further information about the position may be obtained from Professor Frank Trentmann, f.trentmann@bbk.ac.uk.

Should you need support with the recruitment system, please contact recruitment@helsinki.fi.

Due date

22.04.2018 23:59 EEST

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