2 Praedoc positions „Project RELEVEN“ (University of Vienna)

Praedoc positions (project RELEVEN)

University of Vienna
Gefördert durch
European Commission
Theodora Danek, Universität Wien

Two praedoc positions are available at the University of Vienna as part of the ERC-funded project RELEVEN („Re-Evaluating the Eleventh Century through Linked Events and Entities“), led by Prof. Tara Andrews. Deadline for applications: 20 July 2021.

Praedoc positions (project RELEVEN)

The aim of RELEVEN („Re-Evaluating the Eleventh Century through Linked Events and Entities“) is to cast a clearer light on the events of the „short eleventh century“ (c. 1030–1095) and specifically to get a better understanding of the ways in which the Christian world was perceived by its inhabitants at the time, particularly in the eastern half of Christendom but also to the north, where the faith had rapidly been expanding.

The key to achieving this is to find a way to link and connect large amounts of disparate sorts of data; the other main aim of the RELEVEN project is to find a model for expressing data about the eleventh century that allows us to incorporate and model different, and even conflicting, perspectives about what the data tell us.

The work of the RELEVEN project is divided into three strands: these are „People and movement“, „Place and space“, and „Textual culture“. Within each strand we seek to explore the relevant sources in order to get a picture of the multiple, and quite often conflicting, ways that the Christians of the period understood their societies and the space they lived in.

We are looking for candidates who have a completed MA or equivalent in medieval history with a focus on one of the following areas, and with competence in one or more of the relevant medieval languages: Byzantium; the Caucasus; Syria and/or Egypt; Italy and/or Sicily; Central Europe and/or Russia. Experience in working with primary sources from the relevant area and a healthy interest in digital methods for historical studies is required (prior Digital Humanities experience is not necessary).

The salary for doctoral candidates (30 hours/week) is 39.780,00 EUR p.a.

For more information and to apply, please consult the University of Vienna's Jobcenter via the link below.

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