PhotoResearcher 21 (2014), 1

PhotoResearcher 21 (2014), 1
Other title information 
175 Years of Photography in Spain

Published on
Wien 2014: Selbstverlag
2x jährlich
€ 12,00



Organization name
PhotoResearcher. The Magazine of the European Society for the History of Photography
Fleischmarkt 16/2/2/31 A-1010 Wien
Fuchs, Caroline

Due to the country’s unique geopolitical situation, the history of Spanish photography differs from the evolution of the medium in other countries of Western Europe. In this special issue devoted to Spanish photography and Spanish photohistory, detailed articles present the most recent in-depth research into different fundamental periods and topics in these fields with the aim of throwing light onto their specific characteristics and development within the context of European photohistory.

The PhotoResearcher is published by the European Society for the History of Photography (ESHPh). For Information about the PhotoResearcher, including how to subscribe or submit a manuscript for publication consideration, please contact the:

European Society for the History of Photography

Komödiengasse 1/1/17
1020 Wien

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Table of contents


Carmen Pérez González, Ulla Fischer-Westhauser, Uwe Schögl: Editorial

Lee Fontanella: José Albiñana and the Royal Palace

Carmelo Vega: A Model-less Model. Re-thinking the History of Photography in Spain

Luis Estepa Pinilla: Delight and Disaster: The First Photographic Treatise Written in Spanish for the American Continent

Jürg Schneider, Miquel Vilaró i Güell: Fourteen Views of Fernando Po to Save the Colony

Juan Naranjo: From the Easel to the Printer. Avant-garde Photography and Art in Spain 1920–1945

Carmen Pérez González in Interview with Marie-Loup Sougez: Some Reflections on Albert-Louis Deschamps and the Spanish Civil War

Cynthia Young: Inside the Mexican Suitcase

Moritz Neumüller: The Spanish Photobook

Cristina de Middel and Alejandro Castellote in Conversation with Moritz Neumüller: On the Afronauts, Surrealism, Kleenex and the Crisis. And What They Have in Common

Pep Benlloch, Miguel García, Pedro Vicente: dFoto. Directory of Photographic Archives and Collections in Spain

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