Titel der Ausgabe 
Judaica Bohemiae 49 (2014), 1
Weiterer Titel 

jährlich 2 Bände
Anzahl Seiten
131 S.



Judaica Bohemiae
Czech Republic
Židovské muzeum v Praze Judaica Bohemiae U Staré školy 1, 3 110 01 Praha 1 Czech Republic Tel.: +420 221 711 576 (577)
Cermanová, Iveta

A new issue of the journal Judaica Bohemiae (49/2014, 1) came out at the end of June 2014. This volume includes a paper by William C. McDonald analyzing the anti-Jewish song-cycle of Michel Beheim (d. 1474), which significantly contributes to an understanding of medieval anti-Jewish sentiment. The next paper, by Joseph M. Davis, deals with the concepts of family and friendship on the basis of a famous group of Yiddish letters written by Prague Jews in 1619. The third of the main papers, by Jan Machala, illustrates the troubled fate of Jewish monuments during the Second World War by exploring the example of synagogues in Central Moravia (Holešov and Kroměříž).

In the reports section, Pavel Kocman, Petr Kubín and František Trampota provide information about new archaeological research projects and finds relating to the Jews of Mikulov, Jana Šplíchalová describes the successful exhibition of the Jewish Museum in Prague Truth and Lies: Filming in the Ghetto Terezín, 1942–1945 and P. Kocman gives an account of the workshop Jews in the Medieval Town. Urban Space in the Middle Ages – a Place of Coexistence and Conflicts, which was held in Prague in November 2013.

The final section of the journal contains book reviews: Iveta Cermanová assesses Martina Niedhammer’s Nur eine “Geld-Emancipation?” Loyalitäten und Lebenswelten des Prager jüdischen Großbürgertums 1800–1867 (2013) and Radek Lipovsky looks at Jana Vobecká’s Demographic Avant-Garde. Jews in Bohemia between the Enlightenment and the Shoah (2013).




William C. McDonald: Michel Beheim’s Fifteenth-Century Polemical Song-Poem against a Converted Jew

Joseph M. Davis: Concepts of Family and Friendship in the 1619 Yiddish Letters of Prague Jews

Jan Machala: “Unbearable Jewish Houses of Prayer.” The Nazi Destruction of Synagogues Based on Examples from Central Moravia


Pavel Kocman – Petr Kubín – František Trampota: Neue archäologische Forschungen und Funde in Nikolsburg (Mikulov) und Umgebung mit Bezug zur jüdischen Besiedlung

Jana Šplíchalová: Truth and Lies: Filming in the Ghetto Terezín, 1942–1945

Pavel Kocman: International Workshop ‘Jews in the Medieval Town. Urban Space in the Middle Ages – A Place of Coexistence and Conflicts’


Martina Niedhammer, Nur eine “Geld-Emancipation”? Loyalitäten und Lebenswelten des Prager jüdischen Großbürgertums 1800–1867 (Iveta Cermanová)

Jana Vobecká, Demographic Avant-Garde. Jews in Bohemia between the Enlightenment and the Shoah (Radek Lipovski)

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