A New Editor-in-Chief and the Special Issue on Transnational Fascism Author: Roger Griffin pp.: 119–120 (2)
Russian Fascism in Exile. A Historical and Phenomenological Perspective on Transnational Fascism Author: Susanne Hohler pp.: 121–140 (20)
Universal Fascism and its Global Legacy. Italy’s and Japan’s Entangled History in the Early 1930s Author: Daniel Hedinger pp.: 141–160 (20)
‘We Will Never Leave.’ The Reale Accademia d’Italia and the Invention of a Fascist Africanism Author: Emanuel Rota pp.: 161–182 (22)
Renewed Latvia. A Case Study of the Transnational Fascism Model Author: Jordan Kuck pp.: 183–204 (22)
The ‘Right’ Side of the Law. State of Siege and the Rise of Fascism in Interwar Romania Author: Cosmin Sebastian Cercel pp.: 205–233 (29)
The appeal of neo-fascism in times of crisis. The experience of CasaPound Italia Authors: Pietro Castelli Gattinara; Caterina Froio and Matteo Albanese pp.: 234–258 (25)
What fascism is not and is. Thoughts on the re-inflation of a concept Author: Roger Griffin pp.: 259–261 (3)
Fascist Ideologues. Past and Present Author: Nigel Copsey pp.: 263–270 (8)
Jonathan Dunnage, Mussolini’s Policemen: Behaviour, Ideology and Institutional Culture in Representation and Practice (Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 2012). Author: Christopher R. Browning pp.: 271–273 (3)
Robert Grunert, Der Europagedanke westeuropäischer faschistischer Bewegungen 1940-1945 (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2012). Author: Stefan Breuer pp.: 274–275 (2)
Aline Sax, Voor Vlaanderen, volk en Führer: De motivatie van Vlaamse collaborateurs tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog, 1940-1945 (Antwerpen: Manteau, 2012) [For Flandres, the People and the Führer: Flemish Collaborators and their Motives for Collaboration in the Second World War, 1940-1945]. Author: Bruno De Wever pp.: 276–278 (3)