Titel der Ausgabe 
Mesto a dejiny 3 (2014), 1
Weiterer Titel 

zweimal jährlich
(printed copy for institutions upon request)



Mesto a dejiny / The City and History
Czech Republic
Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ in Košice, Moyzesova 9, 040 59 Košice, Slovak Republic Phone: 00421-55-2347142 E-mail: Peter Fedorcák (peter.fedorcak@upjs.sk)
Pekar, Martin


Table of Content

Chebec, Petr: Opava and its position on the medieval route between Moravia and Prussia according to the archaeological sources

Magdoško, Drahoslav: About the interpretation and purpose of the charter issued by bishop of Eger for burghers of Košice in 1290

Gyulai, Éva: Two parishes in medieval Miskolc (Hungary): Old Town and New Town of Miskolc between 14th and 16th century

Fedorčák, Peter: Jesuit mission in Košice and circumstances of the foundation of the University of Košice

Ďurkovská, Mária: Order gymnasia in Košice in the third decennium of the 20th century

Czocher, Anna: "Lost everyday life" - problems using materials diaries in research on occupatianal everyday life, based on the example of Krakow - observations on the margins of the study

Klich-Kluczewska, Barbara: Continuities and discontinuities. Educational program of The Planned Parenthood Association in Krakow (1957-1993)

Ficeri, Ondrej: Etnický obraz Košíc v slovenskej historiografii od jej počiatkov do roku 1918 [The ethnic image of the town of Košice in Slovak historiography from beginning until 1918]

Chronicle, Reviews, Annotations

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