Behemoth. A Journal on Civilisation 12 (2019), 1

Behemoth. A Journal on Civilisation 12 (2019), 1
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Martyrdom and the Struggle for Power in the Middle East

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122 Seiten
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Behemoth. A Journal on Civilisation
Mila Obert und Amelie Bihl Institut für Soziologie – Universität Freiburg Rempartstraße 15 79085 Freiburg E-Mail: <>
Olmo Gölz

Martyrdom is for losers. Yet, it is a powerful claim on strength at the same time. For the individual who seeks martyrdom, it is the weapon of last resort and a means of self-defence. For the surviving community that remembers someone as a martyr, it indicates the unjust suffering of an innocent. On one hand, the recourse to martyrdom discourses exposes the self-perceived weakness of those who make use of it. On the other, dying on behalf of a higher cause is a strong signal and a rallying cry for the bereaved. Thus, the concept of martyrdom unites both references to strength and impotence and it is packed with ambiguities.

Table of contents


Olmo Gölz (Editorial)
Martyrdom and the Struggle for Power. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Martyrdom in the Modern Middle East

Alp Yenen
Legitimate Means of Dying: Contentious Politics of Martyrdom in the Turkish Civil War (1968–1982)

Olmo Gölz
Martyrdom and Masculinity in Warring Iran. The Karbala Paradigm, the Heroic, and the Personal Dimensions of War

Simon Wolfgang Fuchs
Von Schiiten lernen: Der Reiz des Martyriums für sunnitische Gruppen in Pakistan und Afghanistan

Yorck Beese
The Structure and Visual Rhetoric of the Martyrdom Video: An Enquiry into the Martyrdom Video Genre

Alexandra Dick
The Sound of the Shuhadāʾ: Chants and Chanting in IS Martyrdom Videos

Jonatan Marx (Rezension)
Olivier Roy: Ihr liebt das Leben, wir lieben den Tod

Rebecca Schmid (Rezension)
Lorenz Graitl: Sterben als Spektakel

Helene Thaa (Sammelrezension)
Social Resentment: Die White Working Class im Fokus der Erklärung rechter Bewegungen

Leon Wolff (Doppelrezension)
Henning Laux/Anna Henkel (Hg.): Die Erde, der Mensch und das Soziale und Benjamin Bühler: Ökologische Gouvernementalität

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