Bulletin of Latin American Research (BLAR) 38 (2019), 5

Bulletin of Latin American Research (BLAR) 38 (2019), 5
Other title information 

Published on
Pittsburgh, PA 2019: University of Pittsburgh Press
only acess as a member of The Latin American Studies Association



Organization name
Latin American Research Review (LARR)
United States
General Correspondence concerning LARR Latin American Research Review Latin American Studies Association 416 Bellefield Hall University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 Telephone: (412) 648-7929 Fax: 412-624-7145 Email: larr@pitt.edu
Wolff, Sarah

Table of contents


Issue Information

Issue Information
Pages: 545-546 / First Published: 28 November 2019


The Politics of Negotiating with Gangs. The Case of El Salvador
José Miguel Cruz
Pages: 547-562 / First Published: 06 August 2018

Memories, Drama and Dreamers: Proposals to Address the Representation of the Latin World in the Face of the Telenovela Crisis
Luís Fernando Morales Morante
Pages: 563-574 / First Published: 11 December 2018

Who Will Get the Job? Hiring Practices and Inequalities in the Chilean Labour Market
Rosario Undurraga
Pages: 575-590 / First Published: 25 January 2019

Behind the ‘Miracle’: Non‐Traditional Agro‐Exports and Water Stress in Marginalised Areas of Ica, Peru
Peter Williams, Warwick E. Murray
Pages: 591-606 / First Published: 18 December 2018

Federalism and Governability in Brazil: Oil Royalties in Dispute
Beni Trojbicz
Pages: 607-623 / First Published: 04 December 2018

Negotiating Natural Resource Conflicts: A Study of State Practices, Peasant Mobilisation and Sub‐National Government in the Peruvian Andes
Peter Leys, Mariano Arones
Pages: 624-637 / First Published: 27 December 2018

Student Protest and the Nueva Mayoría Reforms in Chile
Indira Palacios‐Valladares, Gabriel Ondetti
Pages: 638-653 / First Published: 05 October 2018

From the Rainy Place to the Burnt Palace: How Social Movements Form their Political Strategies. The Case of the Six Federations of the Tropic of Cochabamba
Leonidas Oikonomakis
Pages: 654-669 / First Published: 11 January 2019

Book Reviews

The Colombia Reader: History, Culture, Politics, Duke University Press ‐ edited by Farnsworth‐Alvear, Ana, Marco Palacios and Ana María Gómez López
Claire Taylor
Pages: 670-671 / First Published: 28 November 2019

Las guerras de Cuba: violencia y campos de concentración (1868–1898) ‐ by Stucki, Andreas
Andrés Pletch
Pages: 671-672 / First Published: 28 November 2019

The U.S.‐Mexico Transborder Region: Cultural Dynamics and Historical Interactions ‐ by Velez‐Ibáñez, Carlos G. and Josiah Heyman
Michael K. Bess
Pages: 672-674 / First Published: 28 November 2019

Constructions of Time and History in the Pre‐Columbian Andes ‐ edited by Swenson, Edward and Andrew P. Roddick
Sinclair Thomson
Pages: 674-675 / First Published: 28 November 2019

Britain and the Dictatorships of Argentina and Chile, 1973‐1982: Foreign Policy, Corporations and Social Movements ‐ by Livingstone, Grace
Guillermo A. Makin
Pages: 675-677 / First Published: 28 November 2019

Contesting Conquest: Indigeneous Perspectives on the Spanish Occupation of Nueva Galicia ‐ by Altman, Ida
John F. Schwaller
Pages: 677-678 / First Published: 28 November 2019

Transborder Media Spaces: Ayuujk Videomaking between Mexico and the US ‐ by Kummels, Ingrid
Charlotte Gleghorn
Pages: 678-680 / First Published: 28 November 2019

Tropical Riffs: Latin America and the Politics of Jazz ‐ by Borge, Jason
Hazel Marsh
Pages: 680-681 / First Published: 28 November 2019

Peru: Elite Power and Political Capture ‐ by Crabtree, John and Francisco Durand
Julio F. Carrión
Pages: 681-682 / First Published: 28 November 2019

The Science and Politics of Race in Mexico and the United States ‐ by Rosemblatt, Karin Alejandra
Steven J. Bachelor
Pages: 682-684 / First Published: 28 November 2019

Blood of the Earth: Resource Nationalism, Revolution, and Empire in Bolivia ‐ by Young, K. A.
Lorenzo Pellegrini
Pages: 684-685 / First Published: 28 November 2019

The Extractive Zone: Social Ecologies and Decolonial Perspectives – by Gómez‐Barris, Macarena
Alex Latta
Pages: 685-687/ First Published: 28 November 2019

The Making of Resistance: Brazil's Landless Movement and Narrative Enactment ‐ by Lundström, Markus
Gabriel Ondetti
Pages: 687-688/ First Published: 28 November 2019

The Patagonian Sublime: The Green Economy and Post‐Neoliberal Politics ‐ by Mendoza, Marcos
Ryan C. Edwards
Pages: 688-689/ First Published: 28 November 2019

Public Pages: Reading along the Latin American Streetscape ‐ by Schwartz, Marcy
Kenneth Reeds
Pages: 690-691/ First Published: 28 November 2019

Palma Africana ‐ by Taussig, Michael
Rosanna Hunt
Pages: 691-692/ First Published: 28 November 2019

Pages: 693/ First Published: 28 November 2019

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Holdings E-ISSN: 1542-4278 Print ISSN: 0023-8791