The Hungarian Historical Review 9 (2020), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
The Hungarian Historical Review 9 (2020), 1
Weiterer Titel 
Trianon: Collapse 1918–1921

Budapest 2020: Selbstverlag
Annual subscriptions $80/€60 ($100/€75 for institutions); single copy $25/€20



The Hungarian Historical Review
The Hungarian Historical Review, Editorial H-1453 Budapest P.O. Box 33 Hungary
Varga, Bálint

Special Editor of the Thematic Issue: Balázs Ablonczy




Mark Cornwall
The Flickering Lighthouse: Rethinking the British Judgement on Trianon

Etienne Boisserie
Autumn 1918–Spring 1919: Six Months of Postwar Material and Political Uncertainty in Slovakia

Jernej Kosi
Summer of 1919: A Radical, Irreversible, Liberating Break in Prekmurje/Muravidék?

Balázs Ablonczy
“It Is an Unpatriotic Act to Flee”: The Refugee Experience after the Treaty of Trianon. Between State Practices and Neglect

Réka Krizmanics
Addressing the Trianon Peace Treaty in Late Socialist Hungary: Societal Interest and Available Narratives

Pál Fodor, and Attila Pók
The Hungarians in Europe: A Thousand Years on the Frontier

Book Reviews

Antemurale Christianitatis: Zur Genese der Bollwerksrhetorik im östlichen Mitteleuropa an der Schwelle vom Mittelalter zur Frühen Neuzeit. By Paul Srodecki.
Reviewed by Emőke Rita Szilágyi

Az indigenák [The indigenae]. Edited by István M. Szijártó.
Reviewed by Ágoston Nagy

The Grand Strategy of the Habsburg Empire. By A. Wess Mitchell.
Reviewed by Robert J. W. Evans

“Engesztelhetetlen gyűlölet”: Válás Budapesten (1850–1914) [“Implacable hatred”: Divorce in Budapest, 1850–1914]. By Sándor Nagy.
Reviewed by Eleonóra Géra

Everyday Nationalism in Hungary 1789–1867. By Alexander Maxwell.
Reviewed by Imre Tarafás

Magyarok a bécsi hivatalnokvilágban: A közös külügyminisztérium magyar tisztviselői 1867–1914 [Hungarians in the Viennese bureaucracy: Hungarian officers in the joint Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1867–1914]. By Éva Somogyi.
Reviewed by Veronika Eszik

Traumatársadalom: Az emlékezetpolitika történeti-szociológiai kritikája [The society of trauma: The historical-sociological critique of memory politics]. By Máté Zombory.
Reviewed by Ferenc Laczó

Making Ethnicity in Southern Bessarabia: Tracing the Histories of an Ambiguous Concept in a Contested Land. By Simon Schlegel.
Reviewed by R. Chris Davis

Hungarian Religion, Romanian Blood: A Minority’s Struggle for National Belonging, 1920–1945. By R. Chris Davies.
Reviewed by Gábor Egry

The Feminist Challenge to the Socialist State in Yugoslavia. By Zsófia Lóránd.
Reviewed by Adela Hincu

Enyhülés és emancipáció [Détente and emancipation]. By Csaba Békés.
Reviewed by Balázs Apor

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