International Journal of Divination and Prognostication (IJDP) 1 (2019), 1

International Journal of Divination and Prognostication (IJDP) 1 (2019), 1
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Individuals Electronic and Print € 68,00; Institutions Online and Print € 244,00



Organization name
International Journal of Divination and Prognostication (IJDP)
Michael Lüdke International Consortium for Research in the Humanities Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Hartmannstr. 14, Building D3 91052 Erlangen +49 9131 85 6433
Michael Lüdke

We are pleased to be able to present the first issue of this journal on prognostication and divination. Its birth can be traced back to the establishment of the International Consortium for Research in the Humanities “Fate, Freedom, and Prognostication” in 2009. From its very beginning, the Consortium has aimed at exploring traditional ways of predicting the future, with the initial emphasis on China and the European Middle Ages. In its further development, other civilizations (e.g., India, Africa, Japan, Tibet, European Antiquity) were increasingly taken into account.

In accordance with its mission, the Consortium has encouraged research on predictive practices as well as on the world-views and cultures in which these practices were embedded. A close relationship to the history of science and philosophy has been one of the characteristics of its research.

So far, more than 150 visiting scholars have contributed to this endeavor. In 2015, the International Society for the Critical Study of Divination was established, and the present journal is the result of our combined efforts, which have turned a hitherto marginal field of studies into a major area of research.

The first issue of our journal reflects this multidisciplinary, transepochal, and transcontinental approach by inquiring into commonalities and differences, family resemblances, comparison, and histories of encounter of practices related to divination and prognostication.

We are very grateful to the Consortium and its members for their support and help in finding authors and improving the quality of the articles. It is to be hoped that the International Journal of Divination and Prognostication will provide momentum for future research.

Michael Lackner

Charles Burnett

Table of contents

Table of Contents

Chinese and English Horoscopy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: The Astrological Doctrines of the Twelve Houses and the Lot of Fortune in Xingxue dacheng by Wan Minying and Christian Astrology by William Lilly
By: Jeffrey Kotyk,

Is Astrology a Type of Divination? Thomas Aquinas, the Index of Prohibited Books, and the Construction of a Legitimate Astrology in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
By: H Darrel Rutkin,

Written in Stone? Creative Strategies for Struggling with Fate in Chinese Character Divination
By: Anne Schmiedl,

The good and evill dayes of the moneth to worke in: Lunaries in European Magic Manuscripts
By: László Sándor Chardonnens,

Genethlialogy, Katarchoscopy, and Astrological Authorities in John Tzetzes's Allegories of the Iliad
By: Joanna Komorowska,

Esoteric Buddhist Astrology: Japanese Sukuyodo & Indian Astrology, written by Michio Yano
By: Jeffrey Kotyk,

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Holdings Print: 2589-9198; Online: 2589-9201