Journal of Austrian Studies 56 (2023), 2

Journal of Austrian Studies 56 (2023), 2
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Empire and (Post-) Colonialism in Austrian Studies

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United States
Lincoln, NE
Tim Corbett

Globalisation, migration, transnationalism, empire/imperialism, (post-) colonialism/decolonisation, heterogeneity, diversity, interculturality, cosmopolitanism: These are some of the most influential concepts that have shaped not only academic research but also public and political discourses across the globe in recent years. The field of Austrian studies has already been engaging innovatively and productively with these issues for quite some time now. This special issue of the Journal of Austrian Studies, the first of two volumes broadly dedicated to “New Directions in Austrian Studies”, showcases numerous disciplinary and methodological approaches to the issue of empire and (post-)colonialism in Austrian Studies.

Table of contents

Tim Corbett
“Introduction: Empire and (Post-) Colonialism in Austrian Studies”

Dirk Rupnow and Jonathan Singerton
“Habsburg Colonial Redux: Reconsidering Colonialism and Postcolonialism in Habsburg/Austrian History”

Orel Beilinson
“What is Austro-Hungarian History to the Eurasianist?”

Mathieu Gotteland
“Austro-Hungarian Informal Imperialism in China, 1869-1917”

Amy Millet
“Global Connections and Culinary Conceptions of Cultural Identity in Nineteenth-Century Austrian Food Literature”

Lida Maria Dodou
“Emigration to the Habsburg Empire: The Case of Salonica Jews, 1867-1918”

Salvatore Pappalardo and Saskia Elizabeth Ziolkowski
“The Emergence of Austro-Italian Literary Studies”

Christian S. Davis
“Hugo Bettauer, Feminism, and the Non-White World in Interwar Vienna”

Dylan Price
“In the Presence of ‘Gypsiness’: Dvořák, Ecocriticism, Stimmung”

Christian Hütterer
“From Idealistic Legacy to Pragmatic Cooperation? Central Europe, the European Union and Austrian Foreign Policy”

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Holdings 2327-1809; 2165-669X