Karen Nolte, Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Themed Section
Editorial – Suicide as a Challenge in Psychiatric Nursing
Susanne Kreutzer and Karen Nolte 1
Nurses and the Moral Treatment of Suicidal Patients in 19th-Century France
Eva Yampolsky 3
The Tightrope Walked by Psychiatric Nursing Staff Caring for People with Suicidal Thoughts Between 1920 and 1970
Sabine Braunschweig 21
Suicide Through the Eyes of Fellow Patients (1920–2020)
Catharina Th. Bakker 38
Open Section
“An Optimal Relationship of Familiarity and Trust”: Operating Room Nurses’ Material Knowledge of Surgical Instruments (1900–1975)
Mieneke te Hennepe 58
Lost & Found
Call to Action: a History of Nurse Activism in the Netherlands
Iris van Versendaal and Hugo Schalkwijk 79
Personal Testimonies Relating to the Contemporary His¬tory of German Geriatric Nursing
Pierre Pfütsch 92
The History of Pediatric Nursing in Germany. Outlining a Research Desideratum
Christoph Schwamm 101