Japan aktuell - Journal of Current Japanese Affairs is an internationally refereed academic journal published by the GIGA Institute of Asian Studies, Hamburg. The quarterly journal focuses on current developments in Japan. It has a circulation of 500 copies and reaches a broad readership in academia, administration and business circles. Manuscripts should be written in German or English and submitted exclusively to this publication. Japan aktuell is devoted to the transfer of scholarly insights to a wide audience.The editors welcome contributions in the fields of international relations, politics, economics, society, education, culture, environment or law. Japan aktuell publishes articles in two different formats: research articles (Studien) and short analyses (Im Fokus). Research articles should be theoretically grounded, empirically sound and reflect the state of the art in contemporary Japanese studies. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed for acceptance, and the editors will respond within three months. Research articles should not exceed 10,000 words. The short analyses section shall provide scholars with the opportunity to comment on current events in a timely manner. Short analyses will be internally reviewed and should not exceed 5,000 words.