e-codices Call for collaboration 2013

Roberta Padlina, e-codices

Call for collaboration 2013

Swiss manuscript collections and e-codices – Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland would like to encourage collaboration with researchers in the field of manuscript scholarship by requesting that you, our scholarly users, suggest manuscripts that are important to your research for possible digitization and inclusion on the e-codices website.

We would like to use this collaborative method to make 25 additional medieval and modern manuscripts available on e-codices during the year 2013, within the scope of a project sponsored by the Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities and Swiss University Conference. The manuscripts may represent any field of study, but should be of major significance for research in the respective fields.

To learn more about the Call of collaboration and download the proposal form, follow this link:

Deadline of the call: February 28, 2013

Important: Send your proposal to the corresponding manuscript library (see http://www.e-codices.unifr.ch/en/contact/collections) AND to e-codices to the attention of Prof. Dr. Christoph Flüeler, director of e-codices: christophe.flueler@unifr.ch.

The e-codices team

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