5 PhD positions “The Future of Democracy: Cultural Analyses of Illiberal Populism in Times of Crises” (FUDEM, Gothenburg)

Doctoral student

Department of Cultural Sciences, University of Gothenburg
Gefördert durch
Swedish Research Council
405 30
Vom - Bis
01.09.2023 - 31.08.2027
Olga Sasunkevich

The Department of Cultural Sciences at the University of Gothenburg announces 2 PhD positions in gender studies and 1 position in each of the following disciplines – cultural studies, ethnology, and musicology. All positions are related to Graduate School “The Future of Democracy: Cultural Analyses of Illiberal Populism in Times of Crises” (FUDEM).

Doctoral student

The Graduate School "The Future of Democracy: Cultural Analyses of Illiberal Populism in Times of Crises" is a multi-disciplinary environment where the collective of junior and senior researchers are doing research on the variety of cultural forms in which illiberal populism reveals itself in times of crises.

It is a collaboration between six Swedish universities including Linnaeus University, Linköping University, Lund University, Södertörn University, University of Gothenburg and Uppsala University.

Find more information about the thematic focus of the Graduate School and all PhD positions here: https://www.gu.se/en/cultural-sciences/doctoral-studies/the-future-of-democracy-cultural-analyses-of-illiberal-populism-in-times-of-crises-fudem.

The PhD-candidates will conduct their PhD-studies within one of the following disciplines - cultural studies, ethnology, gender studies, and musicology - with a focus on cultural analyses of illiberal populism in times of crises.

The job assignments include project planning, data collection, processing and analysis of the material, publications of results, and presentations of preliminary results and conclusions at conferences. PhD students in the Graduate School will have double affiliation – with the Graduate School and with the Department of Cultural Sciences at the University of Gothenburg. Students are expected to take part in educational and research activities both within the Graduate School and the Department.

The PhD-program runs over four years of full time, and includes PhD-thesis research and writing, courses, and literature studies. To be awarded the degree Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), the PhD- candidate should write and orally defend a scientific PhD-thesis that is approved in a public defense (disputation) and pass the courses that are part of the PhD-program.

The Graduate School will offer a variety of obligatory and selective courses, workshops and seminars related to illiberal populism, theories of democracy from the perspective of humanities, and cultural analyses of crises. PhD students are expected to engage into organizing a scientific conference during the final stage of their education.

As part of your employment as a doctoral student, you may have departmental duties corresponding to up to 20 % of full-time employment, distributed throughout your study period. Departmental duties usually consist of teaching at first- and second-cycle levels, but may also include research and administration.

On eligibility, application requirements and recruitment process, please, consult announcements in respective disciplines:

Gender Studies

Cultural Studies




Dr Olga Sasunkevich, scientific coordinator of the Graduate School

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