0,8 Postdoctoral Research Assistant "Extra-European History" (ETH Zürich)

0,8 Postdoctoral Research Assistant "Extra-European History" (ETH Zürich)

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zürich)
Zurich, Switzerland
Vom - Bis
01.02.2014 - 31.01.2019
Url (PDF/Website)
Béatrice Schatzmann-von Aesch

The Institute of History at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich) invites applications for an eighty-percent postdoctoral position (research assistant II) in Extra- European History. The position is affiliated to the chair History of the Modern World (Prof. Dr. Harald Fischer-Tiné). It can be extended up to five years and is tenable from February 1st, 2014. The salary is CHF 68’240 in the first and CHF 75’120 from the third year (calculated to the salary standard of 2013).

Applicants should hold a PhD within an area relevant to the study of modern global history (18th to 20th century). Applications are welcome from scholars with a background in history and/or area studies with a focus on a non-Western region (such as Africa, Middle East, East or South East Asia, Oceania or Latin America). Applicants of English mother tongue (or near-native speakers) with sound knowledge of at least one relevant non-European language such as (Arabic, Persian, Chinese, Urdu etc.) and with teaching experience are given preference.

Successful candidates are expected to complete a postdoctoral research project in a field relating to the main research foci of the chair History of the Modern World (i.e. transnational history, the history of knowledge, the history of imperialism/colonialism and postcolonial studies) within the four or five years under contract. Furthermore, they are to design and to teach courses tailored to the ETH student body, and occasionally to support the variegated activities at the chair (developing project applications, editing books, organizing workshops and conferences etc.).

Applicants are supposed to submit their curriculum vitae with documentation of their qualifications, a short proposal of their research project (three to four pages), at least one letter of reference by an academic teacher, and a letter of motivation to be sent to the address below by October 15th, 2013.

For further information, please contact MA Béatrice Schatzmann-von Aesch, secretary to Prof. Dr. Harald Fischer-Tiné.