3 Doctoral Research Grants in History, EUI Florence

3 Doctoral Research Grants in History, EUI Florence

EUI Florence
Vom - Bis
01.09.2016 -
Url (PDF/Website)
European University Institute

The Department of History and Civilization at the European University Institute invites applications for 3 doctoral research grants in the framework of the ERC research project “Looking West: the European Socialist regimes facing pan-European cooperation and the European Community” (PanEur1970s).

The project
PanEur1970s explores, in a comparative way, the European socialist countries’ views, policies, and debates on cooperation with Western Europe, and specifically with the European Economic Community (EEC), in the 1970s. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the EuropeanUnion’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No 669194).

Doctoral researchers
We are looking for three candidates to study these processes—from archival as well as published sources—in three countries, respectively: East Germany, Poland and Bulgaria. These three Ph.D. candidates will be selected together with regular Ph.D. candidates to the Department of History and Civilization (HEC) at the European University Institute (EUI), as they will also have to enrol in the department’s doctoral programme. The selected candidates will participate fully in the regular EUI programme and will be expected to fulfil the same requirements as other doctoral students in the HEC department. Unlike other EUI Ph.D. candidates, however, they will be financed by the ERC project and prepare their dissertation in the framework of the project. The doctoral programme for all Ph.D. candidates, including the three ERC-funded candidates, starts on 1 September 2016.

Each position will be for four years. Selected candidates will receive an annual grant equivalent to or slightly higher than the EUI grant (currently € 1280 per month) in addition to dependants’ allowances (if applicable), travel allowance and medical insurance.

- M.A. in History, preferably with a specialization in international and\or economic history;
- Readiness to work in a team of researchers and to enrol and participate in the regular EUI Ph.D. programme;
- Good knowledge of English and excellent command of the language of the country the candidate will study (German, Polish or Bulgarian). Knowledge of other European languages constitutes an advantage.

The Department of History and Civilization of the European University Institute The Department of History and Civilization (HEC) of the European University Institute (EUI) offers a distinctive programme of transnational and comparative European history. The Department distinguishes itself as a place where different historiographical and methodological approaches meet. The teaching programme for the Ph.D. in History and Civilization includes departmental, training and research seminars, as well as other activities such as conferences, workshops, and lectures. The faculty provides guidance in research methods and advises researchers on the preparation of their dissertations. Funding is provided for research missions to work in archives and libraries, and researchers may also receive financial support to present their work-in-progress at international conferences.

Application Procedure:
For information about the online application procedure and to submit your application, please see the EUI website.

Application deadline:
31 January 2016

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