15 PhD grants / 2 Post Doc grants "Entre Espacios - Between Spaces" (FU Berlin)

15 PhD grants / 2 Post Doc grants "Entre Espacios - Between Spaces" (FU Berlin)

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Berlin, Potsdam, Mexico City
Lateinamerika-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin

The International Research Training Group (IRTG) 1571/1 „Between Spaces" at the Freie Universität (FU) Berlin invites applications for

15 PhD grants (approx. 1.200,- EUR per month) and
2 Postdoctoral grants (approx. 1.400,- EUR per month)

to commence at the earliest possible date.

The interdisciplinary IRTG is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) and is hosted by the Institute for Latin American Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. The IRTG cooperates closely with Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Universität Potsdam, El Colegio de México, Universidad Autónoma Nacional de México and the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social in Mexico City.

The IRTG adopts a new perspective in the study of globalization. It seeks to make an innovative contribution to the re-orientation of Area Studies as a transnational and interdisciplinary field of study by means of a dialogue between disciplines from the social sciences and the humanities as well as between academic traditions from Mexico and Germany. The IRTG studies movements between different world regions and the new spaces emerging both in past and present periods of intensifying global interconnections.

Disciplines involved:
History, Political Science, Sociology, Economics, Social and Cultural Anthropology as well as Literature and Cultural Studies. Applications from these disciplines are welcome.

Research environment:
The Berlin-Potsdam area offers an internationally renowned research and training environment in the field of Latin American studies. The Dahlem Research School of the FU Berlin provides further opportunities for interdisciplinary training.

Spanish and English are the working languages of the IRTG. Applications can be submitted in Spanish, English and German. Applications in German must include a CV and an abstract of the research project in Spanish or English. Theses and monographs can be submitted in English, Spanish or German.

PhD grants:
The grants will be awarded for two years and may be extended for one more year.

- Applicants must hold an outstanding MA or MSc degree or an equivalent degree in one of the disciplines involved.
- a PhD research project in compliance with the research themes and questions of the IRTG
- very good Spanish and English skills

Applications must include the following documents:
- certified copies of undergraduate and postgraduate diplomas including a transcript of records
- an innovative research proposal in compliance with one of the research areas of the IRTG (maximum 10 pp. including work plan, schedule, and select bibliography) and an abstract (1/2 p. in Spanish or English)
- Curriculum Vitae including foreign language certificates (in Spanish or English)
- a personal statement detailing the specific interest in the IRTG „Between Spaces“
- one letter of recommendation by a university professor

Postdoctoral grants:
The grants will be awarded for 18 months and may be extended for six more months.

- outstanding doctoral degree in one of the disciplines involved obtained during the last five years
- a research project in compliance with the research questions of the IRTG
- very good Spanish and English skills

Applications must include the following documents:
- certified copies of graduate and postgraduate diplomas including records of academic achievement; PhD diploma
- Curriculum Vitae including foreign language certificates (in Spanish or English)
- list of publications
- postdoctoral research proposal (approx. 10 pp. including work plan, schedule, and select bibliography) and an abstract (1/2 p. in Spanish or English)
- Summary of the PhD thesis (5 pages)
- one letter of recommendation by a university professor

For further information on the research and study programs see:

PhD students and postdoctoral fellows should be prepared to reside in the Berlin-Potsdam area, to take part in a structured study program and to undertake an extensive research trip. Travel expenses and material costs as well as supplements for families and child care are covered according to DFG guidelines. We especially encourage international applications. The FU Berlin aims at increasing the number of female researchers and expressly encourages women to apply. Applications from people with severe disability with equal suitability will be given preferential treatment.

Applications are to be sent in both hard copy and digitial (PDF) forms until 15 September 2009 to the address below.

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