PhD scholarships "Memory and (Forced) Migration" (Melbourne, Australia)

PhD scholarships "Memory and (Forced) Migration" (Melbourne, Australia)

The Swinburne Institute, Swinburne University of Technology
Melbourne, Australia
Vom - Bis
01.02.2014 - 31.01.2017
Klaus Neumann

Swinburne University of Technology is offering a small number of three-year PhD scholarships (AU$24653 per annum, plus fee waiver).

I am able to take on one or two new PhD students interested in working on projects about memory and (forced) migration:

How do the life-histories and memories of immigrants feature in broader ‘national’ memories and histories? How do recent immigrants draw on or supress their pre-migration past? How do those who do not or no longer identify as immigrants reimagine themselves and their society in response to the presence of new arrivals? I am particularly interested in finding answers to these and related questions in relation to forced migrants (refugees and asylum seekers). I am looking for PhD students who are theoretically literate, intensely curious, hard-working, keenly interested in writing and conversant in at least two languages, and who consider themselves independent thinkers. Ideally students should have a Masters degree in a relevant humanities or social sciences discipline such as history or anthropology. I am particularly interested in students who would like to do ethnographic research.

To be competitive when applying for a scholarship, applicants ought to have excellent English writing skills and an overall mark of at least 85/100 ("sehr gut" in the German system) in their diploma or masters degree.

Please direct expressions of interest - including a CV, academic transcripts of the last degree, a writing sample (ideally in English) and a one-page project proposal - by 2 September 2013 to:

Professor Klaus Neumann
The Swinburne Institute for Social Research
Swinburne University of Technology