Tallinn Dissertation Prize 2021

Tallinn Dissertation Prize 2021

Eueopean Society for Environmental History
Gefördert durch
Eueopean Society for Environmental History
Vom - Bis
15.12.2020 - 15.01.2021
Dan Tamïr, Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, Universität Zürich

The European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) welcomes final submissions for the 2021 Tallinn Dissertation Prize in European Environmental History. The Dissertation Prize aims to support early career environmental history scholars based in Europe or those based outside Europe but whose work contributes to European environmental history. Deadline for submissions is 15 January 2021. The winner of the Prize will be notified by 15 April 2021.

Tallinn Dissertation Prize 2021

The Tallinn Dissertation Prize was established by the ESEH to reward innovative doctoral dissertations based on original research in European environmental history. The Prize was named after Tallinn, the city where it was awarded for the first time at the 10th ESEH Biennial Conference in 2019. The prize aims to enhance the visibility of PhD students and post-docs in environmental history and the environmental humanities and strengthens intergenerational ties in the ESEH.

It has been a very difficult year for finishing doctoral dissertations, but a good number of people have achieved this! Congratulations to you all.

We are thrilled that we already have a good field of submissions for the Tallinn Dissertation Prize. But of course we welcome more.

Through the Prize, ESEH encourages early career scholars to be involved in the community of environmental historians in Europe.

Doctoral dissertations defended (or otherwise assessed) in 2019 or 2020 are eligible for the prize. Eligible dissertations must either originate at an institution in a country covered by ESEH Regional Representatives (seehttp://eseh.org/about-eseh/regions/) or if the applicant is based outside Europe, the dissertation must contribute to the literature of European environmental history.

ESEH treats “environmental history” broadly and especially encourages submissions with interdisciplinary, transnational and/or comparative perspectives, including, but not limited to, Europe’s impact on the global environment. Submissions in any language are welcome.

The winner will receive a monetary award of EUR 500 as well as a travel grant (if needed, and if possible) to attend the 11th ESEH Conference 5-8 July 2021 in Bristol, England. If you need financial travel assistance to come to Bristol, please note this in your submission.

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Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Spanisch