Events Coordinator RCC


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CFP: Chernobyl as a Historical Caesura: Environment, Politics, and Science
University of Naples Federico II
Naples 09.12.2022 - 10.03.2022

CFP: Silent Springs Global Histories of Pesticides and Our Toxic Worlds
Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society
Tutzing 16.10.2022 - 19.10.2022

CFP: Ambivalences of Ecological Transformation. Perspectives from the Environmental Humanities
International Doctoral Program (IDK) Um(Welt)Denken. Environmental Humanities and the Ecological Transformation of Society, a joint international graduate program of Augsburg University and the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU
München 24.06.2022 - 26.06.2022

CFP: Petra Kelly at 75: Histories, Legacies, and Contemporary Meanings of Transnational Ecological Politics
Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society
München 13.10.2022 - 15.10.2022

Vorl: Lunchtime Colloquium Summer Semester 2021
Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society
München 15.04.2021 - 15.07.2021

CFP: Flows, Histories, and Politics of Pollution in Europe (17–20 Century)
Andrei Vinogradov, Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society; Julia Herzberg, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
München 28.08.2020 - 29.08.2020

CFP: Uniting Ecology and Civilization: Histories, Theories, Futures
Co-Sponsored by the Center for Ecological History, Renmin University of China, Beijing, and the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Munich
Beijing 11.06.2020 - 14.06.2020

CFP: Irregular Ecologies: The Environmental Impact of Unconventional Warfare
Christof Mauch (Rachel Carson Center, LMU Munich), Javier Puente (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
Florianopolis 15.12.2018

CFP: The Nature of Health, the Health of Nature: Perspectives from History and the Humanities
Center for Ecological History, Renmin University of China, and the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society
Beijing 01.01.2019

CFP: Hazardous Time-Scapes: How to Make Sense of Toxic Landscapes from Multiple Timed, Spaced, and Embodied Perspectives?
The Deadly Dreams Network, the Hazardous Travels DFG Emmy Noether Research Group, and the Center for the History of Global Development Shanghai
Munich 01.12.2017 - 02.12.2017

CFP: Men and Nature: Gender, Power, and Environmental Change
Sherilyn MacGregor (Keele University, UK) and Nicole Seymour (California State University, Fullerton, USA)
Munich 26.02.2016 - 28.02.2016

CFP: Consuming the World: Eating and Drinking in Culture, History, and Environment
Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society
Munich 15.07.2015

CFP: Manufacturing Landscapes—Nature and Technology in Environmental History
Center for Ecological History, Renmin University of China, and Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Munich
Beijing 28.05.2015 - 31.05.2015

CFP: Trans-Environmental Dynamics: Understanding and Debating Ontologies, Politics, and History in Latin America
LMU Munich in cooperation with the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society
Munich 29.10.2015 - 31.10.2015