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    Rez. von Franz Leander Fillafer
    • Charnley, Joy; Pender , Malcolm (Hrsg.): Visions of Utopia in Switzerland. , Bern 2000
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    Rez. von Gerhard Altmann
    • Cannadine, David: Ornamentalism. How the British Saw Their Empire, London 2001
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    Rez. von Julia Lederle, Department of History and Civilization, Europaeisches Hoschulinstitut Florenz
    • Armitage, David: The Ideological Origins of the British Empire. Ideas in Context 59, Cambridge 2000
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    Rez. von Wienfort, Monika
    • Fahrmeir, Andreas: Citizens and Aliens. Foreigners and the Law in Britain and the German States 1789-1870, New York/Oxford 2000
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    Rez. von Wienfort, Monika
    Fahrmeir, Andreas: Citizens and Aliens, New York/Oxford 2000
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    Rez. von Angela Schwarz, Fach Geschichte, Universität Duisburg-Essen
    • Kestner, Joseph A.: The Edwardian Detective, 1901-1915. , Aldershot 2000
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    Rez. von Philipp Müller, HU-Geschichtswissenschaft
    • Gossman, Lionel: Basel in the Age of Burckhardt. A Study in Unseasonable Ideas, Chicago 2000
    • Hinde, John R.: Jacob Burckhardt and the Crisis of Modernity. , Montreal 2000
    • weitere Titel ...
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    Rez. von PD Dr. Angela Schwarz, FB 1 Geschichte Gerhard-Mercator-Universität -
    • Arnold, Dana: Re-presenting the Metropolis. Architecture, Urban Experience and Social Life in London 1800-1840, Aldershot 2000
Seite 23 (448 Einträge)