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    Rez. von Samuël Coghe, European University Institute, Florence
    • Neill, Deborah J.: Networks in Tropical Medicine. Internationalism, Colonialism, and the Rise of a Medical Specialty, 1890–1930, Stanford 2012
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    Rez. von Katherine Angel, Centre for the History of Medicine, University of Warwick
    • Ernst, Waltraud; Mueller, Thomas (Hrsg.): Transnational Psychiatries. Social and Cultural Histories of Psychiatry in Comparative Perspective c. 1800-2000, Newcastle upon Tyne 2011
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    Rez. von David Kuchenbuch, Institut für Geschichte, Universität Gießen
    • Dowbiggin, Ian: The Quest for Mental Health. A Tale of Science, Medicine, Scandal, Sorrow, and Mass Society, Cambridge 2011
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    Rez. von Sigrid Stöckel, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
    • Borowy, Iris; Hardy, Anne (Hrsg.): Of Medicine and Men. Biographies and Ideas in European Social Medicine between the World Wars, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern u.a. 2008
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    Rez. von Nadin Heé, Friedrich Meinecke Institut, Freie Universität Berlin
    • Liu, Michael Shiyung: Prescribing Colonization. The Role of Medical Practices and Politics and Japan-Ruled Taiwan, 1895-1945, Ann Arbor, MI 2009
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    Rez. von Klaas Dykmann, Universität Rosklide
    • Borowy, Iris: Coming to Terms with World Health. The League of Nations Health Organisation 1921-1946, Frankfurt am Main 2009
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    Rez. von Matthias Braun, Sonderforschungsbereich 640, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    • Filtzer, Donald: The Hazards of Urban Life in Late Stalinist Russia. Health, Hygiene, and Living Standards, 1943–1953, Cambridge 2010
Seite 4 (67 Einträge)