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    Rez. von Simon Ertz, Department of History, Stanford University
    • Adler, Nanci: Keeping Faith with the Party. Communist Believers Return from the Gulag, Bloomington 2012
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    Rez. von Stefan B. Kirmse, Collaborative Research Centre 640, Humboldt University Berlin
    • LaPierre, Brian: Hooligans in Khrushchev’s Russia. Defining, Policing, and Producing Deviance during the Thaw, Madison 2012
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    Rez. von Eva Oberloskamp, Institut für Zeitgeschichte, München - Berlin
    • Lampadius, Stefan; Schenkel, Elmar (Hrsg.): Under Western and Eastern Eyes. Ost und West in der Reiseliteratur des 20. Jahrhunderts, Leipzig 2012
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    Rez. von Marcus Schönewald, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaft / Abteilung für Zeitgeschichte und Kultur Osteuropas, Universität Bremen
    • Tsygankov, Andrei P.: Russia and the West from Alexander to Putin. Honor in International Relations, Cambridge 2012
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    Rez. von Katharina Uhl, Institut für Osteuropäische Geschichte und Landeskunde, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen/St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, UK
    • Raleigh, Donald J.: Soviet Baby Boomers. An Oral History of Russia's Cold War Generation, Oxford 2011
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    Rez. von Christian Noack, European Studies, University of Amsterdam
    • Gorsuch, Anne E.: All This is Your World. Soviet Tourism at Home and Abroad After Stalin, New York 2011
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    Rez. von Ekaterina Emeliantseva, School of History, Welsh History and Archaeology, Bangor University
    • Paperno, Irina: Stories of the Soviet Experience. Memoirs, Diaries, Dreams, Ithaca 2009
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    Rez. von Alexander Etkind, King’s College, Cambridge University
    • Pinnow, Kenneth M.: Lost to the Collective. Suicide and the Promise of Soviet Socialism, 1921–1929, Ithaka 2010
    • Healey, Dan: Bolshevik Sexual Forensics. Diagnosing Disorder in the Clinic and Courtroom, 1917-1939, DeKalb 2009
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    Rez. von Franziska Exeler, Ph.D. Candidate, Princeton University
    • Krylova, Anna: Soviet Women in Combat. A History of Violence on the Eastern Front, Cambridge 2010
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    Rez. von Andreas Renner, Abteilung Geschichte, Osteuropäische Geschichte, Universität Bielefeld,
    • Schimmelpenninck van der Oye, David: Russian Orientalism. Asia in the Russian Mind from Peter the Great to the Emigration, New Haven, CT 2010
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    Rez. von Stefan B. Kirmse, SFB 640, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    • Yemelianova, Galina (Hrsg.): Radical Islam in the Former Soviet Union. , London 2009
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    Rez. von Miriam Dobson, The Department of History, University of Sheffield
    • Steinberg, Mark D.; Wanner, Catherine (Hrsg.): Religion, Morality, and Community in Post-Soviet Societies. , Bloomington 2008
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    Rez. von Julia Herzberg, Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie, Universität Bielefeld
    • Heretz, Leonid: Russia on the Eve of Modernity. Popular Religion and Traditional Culture Under the Last Tsars, Cambridge 2008
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    Rez. von Maike Lehmann, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    • Fürst, Juliane (Hrsg.): Late Stalinist Russia. Society between Reconstruction and Reinvention, London 2006
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    Rez. von Julia Mannherz, Seminar für Mittlere und Neuere Geschichte, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
    • Morrissey, Susan K.: Suicide And the Body Politic in Imperial Russia. , Cambridge 2007
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    Rez. von Miriam Dobson, The Department of History, University of Sheffield
    • Raleigh, Donald J.: Russia's Sputnik Generation. Soviet Baby Boomers Talk about Their Lives, Bloomington 2006
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    Rez. von Lorenz Erren, Berlin
    • Halfin, Igal: Terror in My Soul. Communist Autobiographies on Trial, Cambirdge 2003
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    Rez. von Martina Winkler, Osteuropäische Geschichte, Universität Leipzig
    • Ely, Christopher: This Meager Nature. Landscape and National Identity in Imperial Russia, DeKalb 2002
Seite 2 (38 Einträge)