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    Rez. von Andrea Benvenuti, School of Social Sciences, University of New South Wales
    • Hausen, Maike: Reviewing Britain's Presence East of Suez. Australian, Canadian and New Zealand Foreign Policy Considerations Surrounding Southeast Asia, 1956–1971, Tübingen 2022
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    Rez. von Michael Homberg, Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam
    • Abbate, Janet; Dick, Stephanie (Hrsg.): Abstractions and Embodiments. New Histories of Computing and Society, Baltimore 2022
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    Rez. von Lia Börsch, Professur für Neueste Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte, Universität Freiburg
    • O'Sullivan, Kevin: The NGO Moment. The Globalisation of Compassion from Biafra to Live Aid, Cambridge 2021
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    Rez. von Ulrike Spring, Dept of Archaeology, Conservation and History, University of Oslo
    • Lüders Kaalund, Nanna Katrine: Explorations in the Icy North. How Travel Narratives Shaped Arctic Science in the Nineteenth Century, Pittsburgh 2021
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    Rez. von Maximilian Rünker, Graduiertenkolleg Medienanthropologie, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
    • Lahti, Janne; Weaver-Hightower, Rebecca (Hrsg.): Cinematic Settlers. The Settler Colonial World in Film, London 2020
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    Rez. von Aleksi Huhta, University of Helsinki
    • Olson Gustafson, Anita: Swedish Chicago. The Shaping of an Immigrant Community, 1880–1920, DeKalb 2018
    • Bertram, Laurie K.: The Viking Immigrants. Icelandic North Americans, Toronto 2020
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    Rez. von Andreas Hilger, Deutsche Historische Institut Moskau
    • Schulte, Jan Erik: UN-Blauhelme. Kanada und die Politik des Peacekeepings im 20. Jahrhundert, Paderborn 2020
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    Rez. von Samuël Coghe, Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin
    • McVety, Amanda Kay: The Rinderpest Campaigns. A Virus, Its Vaccines, and Global Development in the Twentieth Century, Cambridge 2018
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    Rez. von Patrick Spero, American Philosophical Society Library, Philadelphia
    • Hatter, Lawrence: Citizens of Convenience. The Imperial Origins of American Nationhood on the U.S.-Canadian Border, Charlottesville 2016
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    Rez. von Ksenia Tatarchenko, Global Studies Institute, University of Geneva
    • Jones-Imhotep, Edward: The Unreliable Nation. Hostile Nature and Technological Failure in the Cold War, Cambridge MA 2017
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    Rez. von Stefan Manz, School of Languages and Social Sciences, Aston University, Birmingham
    • Kordan, Bohdan S.: No Free Man. Canada, the Great War, and the Enemy Alien Experience, Kingston 2016
    • Forth, Aidan: Barbed-Wire Imperialism. Britain's Empire of Camps, 1876-1903, Berkeley 2017
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    Rez. von Vjeran Pavlaković, University of Rijeka
    • McCormick, Rob: Croatia Under Ante Pavelić. America, the Ustaše and Croatian Genocide, London 2014
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    Rez. von Celina Kress, Center for Metropolitan Studies, Technische Universität Berlin
    • Schubert, Dirk (Hrsg.): Contemporary Perspectives on Jane Jacobs. Reassessing the Impacts of an Urban Visionary, Farnham 2014
    • Schubert, Dirk: Jane Jacobs und die Zukunft der Stadt. Diskurse – Perspektiven – Paradigmenwechsel, Stuttgart 2014
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    Rez. von Michael G. Esch, GWZO Leipzig
    • Thränhardt, Dietrich; Bommes, Michael (Hrsg.): National Paradigms of Migration Research. , Göttingen 2010
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    Rez. von Rachel Standfield, Monash University, Melbourne
    • Heartfield, James: The Aborigines' Protection Society. Humanitarian Imperialism in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Canada, South Africa, and the Congo, 1837-1909, London 2011
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    Rez. von Jan Erik Schulte, Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung, Technische Universität Dresden
    • Maeder, Pascal: Forging a New Heimat. Expellees in Post-War West Germany and Canada, Göttingen 2011
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    Rez. von Leslie Choquette, Assumption College Worcester, Mass.
    • Karahasan, Devrim: Métissage in New France and Canada 1508 to 1886. , Frankfurt am Main 2009
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    Rez. von Marcel Naas, Theologisches Seminar, Universität Zürich
    • Prochner, Larry: A History of Early Childhood Education in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. , Vancouver 2009
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