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    Rez. von Svenja Bethke, Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, University of Leicester
    • Hájková, Anna: The Last Ghetto. An Everyday History of Theresienstadt, Oxford 2020
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    Rez. von Markus Roth, Fritz Bauer Institut, Frankfurt am Main
    • Ciesielska, Maria: The Doctors of the Warsaw Ghetto, Brookline, MA 2022
    • Sinnreich, Helene J.: The Atrocity of Hunger. Starvation in the Warsaw, Lodz, and Krakow Ghettos during World War II, Cambridge 2023
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    Rez. von Gerben Zaagsma, Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), University of Luxembourg
    • Lustig, Jason: A Time to Gather. Archives and the Control of Jewish Culture, Oxford 2022
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    Rez. von Wolfram Meyer zu Uptrup, Berlin / Potsdam
    • Hagemeister, Michael: The Perennial Conspiracy Theory. Reflections on the History of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, London 2022
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    Rez. von Christhard Hoffmann, Universität Bergen / Zentrum für Holocaust- und Minderheitenstudien, Oslo
    • Heuman, Johannes; Rudberg, Pontus (Hrsg.): Early Holocaust Memory in Sweden. Archives, Testimonies and Reflections, London 2021
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    Rez. von Celia Applegate, Vanderbilt University
    • Frühauf, Tina: Transcending Dystopia. Music, Mobility, and the Jewish Community in Germany, 1945–1989, Oxford 2021
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    Rez. von Susanne Hohler, Historisches Seminar, Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität München
    • Bemporad, Elissa: Legacy of Blood. Jews, Pogroms, and Ritual Murder in the Lands of the Soviets, Oxford 2020
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    Rez. von Edward Corse, Centre for the History of War, Media and Society, University of Kent
    • Eliot, Simon; Wiggam, Marc (Hrsg.): Allied Communication to the Public During the Second World War. National and Transnational Networks, London 2019
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    Rez. von Dietmar Süß, Philologisch-Historische Fakultät, Universität Augsburg
    • Pendas, Devin O.; Roseman, Mark; Wetzell, Richard F. (Hrsg.): Beyond the Racial State. Rethinking Nazi Germany, Cambridge 2017
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