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    Rez. von Shabnam Surita, Abteilung für Südasienstudien, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
    • Ghoshal, Anindita: Refugees, Borders and Identities. Rights and Habitat in East and Northeast India, London 2020
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    Rez. von Philipp Dorestal, Hamburg
    • Grüner, Eduardo: The Haitian Revolution. Capitalism, Slavery and Counter-Modernity, Cambridge 2020
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    Rez. von Jost Dülffer, Historisches Institut, Universität zu Köln
    • Lüthi, Lorenz M.: Cold Wars. Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Cambridge 2020
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    Rez. von Ulf Engel, Institut für Afrikanistik, Universität Leipzig
    • O'Malley, Alanna: The Diplomacy of Decolonisation. America, Britain and the United Nations During the Congo Crisis 1960–1964, Manchester 2018
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    Rez. von Ulrike von Hirschhausen, Lehrstuhl für Europäische und Neueste Geschichte, Historisches Institut der Universität Rostock
    • Lindner, Ulrike; Lerp, Dörte (Hrsg.): New Perspectives on the History of Gender and Empire. Comparative and Global Approaches, London 2018
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    Rez. von Ahmad Rizky M. Umar, School of Political Sciences and International Studies, University of Queensland
    • Alexanderson, Kris: Subversive Seas. Anticolonial Networks across the Twentieth-Century Dutch Empire, Cambridge 2019
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    Rez. von Ana Moledo, Leipzig University Email:
    • Hammond Perry, Kennetta: London Is the Place for Me. Black Britons, Citizenship and the Politics of Race, Oxford 2016
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    Rez. von Prabhat Kumar, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi
    • Sethi, Devika: War over Words. Censorship in India, 1930–1960, Cambridge 2019
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    Rez. von Tobias Delfs, Seminar für Südasienstudien, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    • von Brescius, Moritz: German Science in the Age of Empire. Enterprise, Opportunity and the Schlagintweit Brothers, Cambridge 2019
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    Rez. von Rosalie Stolz, Institut für Ethnologie, Universität Heidelberg
    • Petit, Pierre: History, Memory, and Territorial Cults in the Highlands of Laos. The Past Inside the Present, Abingdon, Oxon 2020
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    Rez. von Hugo Gonçalves Dores, Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra
    • Swartz, Rebecca: Education and Empire. Children, Race and Humanitarianism in the British Settler Colonies, 1833–1880, Basingstoke 2019
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    Rez. von Edward Corse, Centre for the History of War, Media and Society, University of Kent
    • Eliot, Simon; Wiggam, Marc (Hrsg.): Allied Communication to the Public During the Second World War. National and Transnational Networks, London 2019
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    Rez. von Sakis Gekas, York University
    • Zanou, Konstantina: Transnational Patriotism in the Mediterranean, 1800–1850. Stammering the Nation, Oxford 2018
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    Rez. von Harald Fischer-Tiné, Lehrstuhl für die Geschichte der Modernen Welt, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
    • Gopal, Priyamvada: Insurgent Empire. Anticolonial Resistance and British Dissent, London 2019
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    Rez. von Ulf Engel, Institut für Afrikastudien, Universität Leipzig
    • Melber, Hennig: Dag Hammarskjöld, the United Nations and the Decolonisation of Africa, London 2019
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    Rez. von Amelia Bonea, Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies, University of Heidelberg
    • Mukhopadhyay, Aparajita: Imperial Technology and 'Native' Agency. A Social History of Railways in Colonial India, 1850–1920, London 2018
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    Rez. von Geert Castryck, SFB 1199, Universität Leipzig
    • Lentz, Carola; David Lowe: Remembering Independence. , Abingdon 2018
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    Rez. von Emily Whewell, Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte
    • Bickers, Robert: Out of China. How the Chinese Ended the Era of Western Domination, London 2017
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    Rez. von Jonas Kreienbaum, Historisches Institut, Universität Rostock
    • Garavini, Giuliano: The Rise and Fall of OPEC in the Twentieth Century, Oxford 2019
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    Rez. von Chandra Bhanu Murthy Nalamala, Centre for Modern Indian Studies, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
    • Sen, Dwaipayan: The decline of the caste question. Jogendranath Mandal and the Defeat of Dalit Politics in Bengal, Cambridge 2018
Seite 3 (249 Einträge)