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    Rez. von Thomas Gidney, European University Institute
    • Goto-Shibata, Harumi: The League of Nations and the East Asian Imperial Order, 1920–1946, London 2020
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    Rez. von Katja Wezel, Fakultät für Geschichte und Philosophie, Universität Lettlands
    • Gibson, Catherine: Geographies of Nationhood. Cartography, Science, and Society in the Russian Imperial Baltic, Oxford 2022
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    Rez. von Deborah Neill, History, York University
    • Coghe, Samuël: Population Politics in the Tropics. Demography, Health and Transimperialism in Colonial Angola, Cambridge 2022
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    Rez. von Torsten Kathke, Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
    • Johnston, Jean-Michel: Networks of Modernity. Germany in the Age of the Telegraph, 1830–1880, Oxford 2021
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    Rez. von Rafał Stobiecki, Historisches Institut, Universität Lodz
    • Aleksiun, Natalia: Conscious History. Polish Jewish Historians Before the Holocaust, Oxford 2021
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    Rez. von Claudia Roesch, Deutsches Historisches Institut Washington
    • Dürr, Renate (Hrsg.): Threatened Knowledge. Practices of Knowing and Ignoring from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century, London 2021
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    Rez. von Geert Castryck, ReCentGlobe, Universität Leipzig
    • Dube, Francis: Public Health at the Border of Zimbabwe and Mozambique, 1890–1940. African Experiences in a Contested Space, Cham 2020
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    Rez. von Clemens Six, Department of History, University of Groningen
    • Menon, Nikhil: Planning Democracy. Modern India's Quest for Development, Cambridge 2022
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    Rez. von Ritam Sengupta, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin
    • Sarkar, Suvobrata: Let there be light. Engineering, Entrepreneurship and Electricity in Colonial Bengal, 1880–1945, Cambridge 2020
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    Rez. von Maria Männig, Institut für Kunstwissenschaft und Bildende Kunst, Universität Koblenz-Landau
    • Dellmann, Sarah; Kessler; Frank (Hrsg.): A Million Pictures. Magic Lantern Slides in the History of Learning, New Barnet, Herts 2020
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    Rez. von Uwe Kaminsky, Institut für Geschichte der Medizin und Ethik, Charité Berlin
    • Teicher, Amir: Social Mendelism. Genetics and the Politics of Race in Germany, 1900–1948, Cambridge, UK 2020
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    Rez. von Christina Rothen, Pädagogische Hochschule Bern
    • Wasmuth, Helge: Fröbel’s Pedagogy of Kindergarten and Play. Modifications in Germany and the United States, London 2020
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    Rez. von Annika Hartmann, Geschichtsort Villa ten Hompel, Münster
    • Sait, Bryce: The Indoctrination of the Wehrmacht. Nazi Ideology and the War Crimes of the German Military, Oxford 2019
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    Rez. von Christiane Brenner, Collegium Carolinum
    • Hearne, Siobhán: Policing Prostitution. Regulating the Lower Classes in Late Imperial Russia, Oxford 2021
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    Rez. von Lucy Barnhouse, Department of History, Arkansas State University
    • Watson, Sethina: On Hospitals. Welfare, Law, and Christianity in Western Europe, 400–1320, Oxford 2020
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    Rez. von Martina Winkler, Historisches Seminar, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
    • Byford, Andy: Science of the Child in Late Imperial and Early Soviet Russia, Oxford 2020
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    Rez. von Lourens van Haaften, History Department, KU Leuven
    • Taylor, Miles; Pellew, Jill (Hrsg.): Utopian Universities. A Global History of the New Campuses of the 1960s, London 2020
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    Rez. von Fabian Zimmer, Institut für Philosophie, Literatur-, Wissenschafts- & Technikgeschichte, Fachgebiet Technikgeschichte, Technische Universität Berlin
    • Anker, Peder: The Power of the Periphery. How Norway Became an Environmental Pioneer for the World, Cambridge 2020
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    Rez. von Catriona Ellis, University of Strathclyde
    • Rao, Parimala V.: Beyond Macaulay. Education in India, 1780–1860, London 2019
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    Rez. von Brigitta Bernet, DFG-Leibniz-Forschungsgruppe „Vergleichende Zeitgeschichte der modernen Geschichtswissenschaft“, Universität Trier
    • Berger, Stefan; Cornelißen, Christoph (Hrsg.): Marxist Historical Cultures and Social Movements during the Cold War. Case Studies from Germany, Italy and Other Western European States, London 2019
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