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    Rez. von Beate Engelen, Hongkong
    • Lynn II, John A.: Women, Armies, and Warfare in Early Modern Europe. , Cambridge 2008
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    Rez. von Peter B. Brown, Department of History, Rhode Island College
    • Witzenrath, Christoph: Cossacks and the Russian Empire, 1598–1725. Manipulation, Rebellion and Expansion into Siberia, London 2007
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    Rez. von John Miller, History Department, Queen Mary University of London
    • Adamson, John (Hrsg.): The English Civil War. Conflicts and Contexts, 1640-49, Basingstoke 2009
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    Rez. von Antoinette Saxer, Department of History, University of London
    • Brooks, Christopher W.: Law, Politics and Society in Early Modern England. , Cambridge (UK) 2009
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    Rez. von Michael Rohrschneider, Universität zu Köln
    • Wilson, Peter H.: Europe's Tragedy. A History of the Thirty Years War, London 2009
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    Rez. von Vincent Houben, Institut für Asien-und Afrikawissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität Berlin
    • Ward, Kerry: Networks of Empire. Forced Migration in the Dutch East India Company, Cambridge 2008
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    Rez. von Xing Hang, University of California, Berkeley
    • Brook, Timothy: Vermeer’s Hat. The Seventeenth Century and the Dawn of the Global World, London 2008
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    Rez. von Teofilo F. Ruiz, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California Los Angeles
    • Casey, James: Family and Community in Early Modern Spain. The Citizens of Granada, 1570-1739, Cambridge 2007
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    Rez. von Ronald G. Asch, Historisches Seminar, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
    • Blockmans, Wim; Holenstein, André; Mathieu, Jon (Hrsg.): Empowering Interactions. Political Cultures and the Emergence of the State in Europe 1300-1900, Aldershot 2009
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    Rez. von Maike Christadler, Historisches Seminar, Universität Basel
    • van Groesen, Michiel: The Representations of the Overseas World in the De Bry Collection of Voyages (1590-1634). , Leiden 2008
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    Rez. von Heiko Droste, Institutionen för kultur, genus och historia, Södertörns Högskola
    • Blanning, Tim: The Pursuit of Glory. Europe 1648-1815, London 2007
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    Rez. von Markus Friedrich, Historisches Seminar, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität
    • Ohlidal, Anna; Samerski, Stefan (Hrsg.): Jesuitische Frömmigkeitskulturen. Konfessionelle Interaktion in Ostmitteleuropa 1570–1700, Stuttgart 2006
    • Shore, Paul: Jesuits and the Politics of Religious Pluralism in Eighteenth-century Transylvania. Culture, Politics and Religion, 1693-1773, London 2007
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    Rez. von Simon Wendt, Historisches Seminar, Universität Heidelberg
    • Harris, J. William: The Making of the American South. A Short History, 1500-1877, Oxford 2006
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    Rez. von Robert Friedeburg, Faculty of Arts and Sciences Erasmus University Rotterdam
    • Burgess, Glenn; Festenstein, Matthew (Hrsg.): English Radicalism, 1550-1850. , Cambridge 2007
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    Rez. von André Krischer, Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz Projekt "Vormoderne Verfahren", Universität Münster
    • Cromartie, Alan: The Constitutionalist Revolution. An Essay on the History of England, 1450-1642, Cambridge 2006
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    Rez. von Matthias Pohlig, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    • Thompson, Andrew C.: Britain, Hanover and the Protestant Interest. 1688-1756, Cambridge 2006
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    Rez. von Martina Winkler, Stanford University
    • Donald, Diana; O'Gorman, Frank (Hrsg.): Ordering the World in the Eighteenth Century. Studies in Modern History, Houndmills 2006
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    Rez. von Pauline Puppel, Landeshauptarchiv Koblenz
    • Mears, Natalie: Queenship and Political Discourse in the Elizabethan Realms. , Cambridge 2005
    • Crawford, Katherine: Perilous Performances. Gender and Regency in Early Modern France, Cambridge/Mass. 2004
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    Rez. von Gerhard Altmann, Langenargen
    • Bowen, H. V.: The Business of Empire. The East India Company and Imperial Britain, 1756-1833, Cambridge 2006
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    Rez. von Ulrike Bock, Iberische und Lateinamerikanische Abteilung, Historisches Seminar, Universität zu Köln
    • Helg, Aline: Liberty and Equality in Caribbean Colombia 1770-1835. , Chapel Hill 2004
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