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    Rez. von Eva-Maria Stolberg, Bochum
    • Bruno, Andy: Tunguska. A Siberian Mystery and Its Environmental Legacy, Cambridge 2022
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    Rez. von Amelia Bonea, Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Manchester
    • Fleetwood, Lachlan: Science on the Roof of the World. Empire and the Remaking of the Himalaya, Cambridge 2022
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    Rez. von Siobhán Hearne, Department of History, University of Manchester
    • Sumpf, Alexandre: The Broken Years. Russia's Disabled War Veterans, 1904–1921, Cambridge 2022
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    Rez. von Martin Kauder, Historisches Institut, Universität zu Köln / Historische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, München
    • Von Prieto, Moisés: Narratives of Dictatorship in the Age of Revolution. Conceptualisations, Experiences, Transfers, London 2023
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    Rez. von Sven Jochem, FB Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft, Universität Konstanz
    • Fasting, Mathilde; Sørensen, Øystein: The Norwegian Exception?. Norway's Liberal Democracy since 1814, London 2021
    • Hammer, Svein: Sosialdemokrati versus nyliberalisme. Norsk styringskunst og samfunnsforming 1814–2020, Oslo 2020
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    Rez. von Jha Murari, School of Arts and Sciences, Ahmedabad University
    • Ansari, Tahir Hussain: Mughal Administration and the Zamindars of Bihar, Abingdon 2019
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    Rez. von Damien Tricoire, Marin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
    • Røge, Pernille: Economistes and the Reinvention of Empire. France in the Americas and Africa, c.1750–1802, Cambridge 2019
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    Rez. von Julia Hauser, Fachbereich 05 Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Universität Kassel
    • Samanta, Samiparna: Meat, Mercy, Morality. Animals and Humanitarianism in Colonial Bengal, 1850–1920, Oxford 2021
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    Rez. von Dinyar Patel, S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research
    • Valdameri; Elena: Indian Liberalism between Nation and Empire. The Political Life of Gopal Krishna Gokhale, London 2022
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    Rez. von Katja Wezel, Fakultät für Geschichte und Philosophie, Universität Lettlands
    • Gibson, Catherine: Geographies of Nationhood. Cartography, Science, and Society in the Russian Imperial Baltic, Oxford 2022
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    Rez. von Onni Gust, University of Nottingham
    • Cohen, Ashley L.: The Global Indies. British Imperial Culture and the Reshaping of the World, 1756–1815, New Haven 2020
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    Rez. von Elun Gabriel, St. Lawrence University
    • Dietze, Carola: The Invention of Terrorism in Europe, Russia, and the United States, London 2021
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    Rez. von Geert Castryck, ReCentGlobe, Universität Leipzig
    • Dube, Francis: Public Health at the Border of Zimbabwe and Mozambique, 1890–1940. African Experiences in a Contested Space, Cham 2020
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    Rez. von Patrick Kupper, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften und Europäische Ethnologie, Universität Innsbruck
    • Piccioni, Luigi: The Beloved Face of the Country. The First Movement for Nature Protection in Italy, 1880–1934, Winwick 2020
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    Rez. von Ritam Sengupta, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin
    • Sarkar, Suvobrata: Let there be light. Engineering, Entrepreneurship and Electricity in Colonial Bengal, 1880–1945, Cambridge 2020
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    Rez. von Michel Tissier, Université Rennes 2
    • Kirmse, Stefan B.: The Lawful Empire. Legal Change and Cultural Diversity in Late Tsarist Russia, Cambridge 2019
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    Rez. von Lutz Häfner, Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Universität Bielefeld
    • Hillis, Faith: Utopia's Discontents. Russian Émigrés and the Quest for Freedom, 1830s-1930s, Oxford 2021
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    Rez. von Uwe Kaminsky, Institut für Geschichte der Medizin und Ethik, Charité Berlin
    • Teicher, Amir: Social Mendelism. Genetics and the Politics of Race in Germany, 1900–1948, Cambridge, UK 2020
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    Rez. von Klaus Weinhauer, Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie, Abteilung Geschichte, Universität Bielefeld
    • Millan, Matteo; Saluppo, Alessandro (Hrsg.): Corporate Policing, Yellow Unionism, and Strikebreaking, 1890–1930. In Defence of Freedom, London 2020
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    Rez. von Kleoniki Alexopoulou, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
    • van Onselen, Charles: The Night Trains. Moving Mozambican Miners to and from the Witwatersrand Mines, 1902-1955., London 2020
Seite 2 (296 Einträge)