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    Rez. von Sarah Ehlers, Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte Mainz (IEG) und Sonderforschungsbereich 640: Repräsentationen sozialer Ordnungen im Wandel, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    • Anne, Digby; Ernst, Waltraud; Muhkarji, Projit B. (Hrsg.): Crossing Colonial Historiographies. Histories of Colonial and Indigenous Medicines in Transnational Perspective, Newcastle 2010
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    Rez. von Pertti Ahonen, School of History, Classics and Archaeology, University of Edinburgh
    • Bessel, Richard; Haake, Claudia B. (Hrsg.): Removing Peoples. Forced Removal in the Modern World, London 2009
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    Rez. von Andreas Hübner, International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), Universität Giessen
    • Boucher, Philip P.: France and the American Tropics to 1700. Tropics of Discontent?, Baltimore 2008
    • Pritchard, James: In Search of Empire. The French in the Americas, 1670-1730, Cambridge 2004
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    Rez. von Christian Grieshaber, Graduiertenkolleg „Sklaverei-Knechtschaft und Frondienst-Zwangsarbeit“, Universität Trier
    • Powell, Jim: Greatest Emancipations. How the West Abolished Slavery, Hampshire 2008
    • Drescher, Seymour: Abolition. A History of Slavery and Antislavery, Cambridge 2009
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    Rez. von Andrew Porter, Department of History, King’s College London
    • Shipway, Martin: Decolonization and its Impact. A Comparative Approach to the End of the Colonial Empires, Oxford 2008
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    Rez. von Jürgen Dinkel, Gießen
    • Mackie, Jamie: Bandung 1955. Non-alignment and Afro-Asian solidarity, Singapore 2005
    • Ampiah, Kweku: The Political and Moral Imperatives of the Bandung Conference of 1955. The Reactions of the US, UK and Japan, Kent, OH 2007
    • weitere Titel ...
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    Rez. von Christoph Marx, Historisches Institut, Universität Duisburg-Essen
    • Belich, James: Replenishing the Earth. The Settler Revolution and the Rise of the Anglo-World 1780-1930, Oxford 2009
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    Rez. von Philip Misevich, History Department, Denison University
    • Christopher, Emma; Pybus, Cassandra; Rediker, Marcus (Hrsg.): Many Middle Passages. Forced Migration and the Making of the Modern World, Berkeley 2007
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    Rez. von Holger Afflerbach, School of History, University of Leeds
    • Greene, Jack D.; Morgan, Philip D. (Hrsg.): Atlantic History. A Critical Appraisal, Oxford 2009
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    Rez. von Vincent Houben, Institut für Asien-und Afrikawissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität Berlin
    • Ward, Kerry: Networks of Empire. Forced Migration in the Dutch East India Company, Cambridge 2008
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    Rez. von John Stuart, Kingston University, London
    • Sinclair, Georgina: At the end of the line. Colonial Policing and the Imperial Endgame 1945-1980, Manchester 2006
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    Rez. von Wolfgang G. Schwanitz, Gloria Center, Herzliya, Israel
    • McKale, Donald M.: War by Revolution. Germany and Great Britain in the Middle East in the Era of World War I, Kent, OH 2008
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    Rez. von Mathias Gsponer, Historisches Institut, Universität Bern
    • Moses, Dirk (Hrsg.): Empire, Colony, Genocide. Conquest, Occupation, and Subaltern Resistance in World History, Oxford 2008
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    Rez. von Andy Cohen, Department of History, University of Sheffield
    • Hyam, Ronald: Britain's Declining Empire. The Road to Decolonisation, 1918-1968, Cambridge 2007
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    Rez. von Ruben Marc Hackler
    • Mills, Sara: Gender and Colonial Space. , Manchester 2005
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    Rez. von David Simo, Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften, Universität Yaoundé
    • Young, Robert J. C.: Postcolonialism. A very short introduction, Oxford 2003
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    Rez. von Marc Schindler-Bondiguel, EHESS Paris
    • Aldrich, Robert: Colonialism and Homosexuality. , London 2003
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    Rez. von Benedikt Stuchtey, Deutsches Historisches Institut, London
    • Owen, Roger: Lord Cromer. Victorian Imperialist, Edwardian Proconsul, Oxford 2004
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    Rez. von Daniel Becker, History Department, Brandeis University
    • Moore, Bob; van Nierop, Henk (Hrsg.): Colonial Empires Compared. Britain and the Netherlands, 1750-1850, Hampshire, UK 2003
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    Rez. von Angela Schwarz, Fach Geschichte, Universität Duisburg-Essen
    • Hight, Eleanor M.; Sampson, Gary D.: Colonialist Photography. Imag(in)ing Race and Place, London 2002
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