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    Rez. von Annette Weinke, Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
    • Jensen, Steven: The Making of International Human Rights. The 1960s, Decolonization, and the Reconstruction of Global Values, Cambridge 2016
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    Rez. von Insa Breyer, Berlin
    • Borutta, Manuel; Jansen, Jan C. (Hrsg.): Vertriebene and Pieds-Noirs in Postwar Germany and France. Comparative Perspectives, Basingstoke 2016
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    Rez. von Maria Framke, Historisches Institut, Universität Rostock
    • Gerwarth, Robert: Die Besiegten. Das blutige Erbe des Ersten Weltkriegs, München 2017
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    Rez. von Maria Framke, Historisches Institut, Universität Rostock
    • Ribi Forclaz, Amalia: Humanitarian Imperialism. The Politics of Anti-Slavery Activism, 1880–1940, Oxford 2015
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    Rez. von Giuliano Garavini, Università di Padova / NYU Abu Dhabi
    • Hansen, Peo; Jonsson, Stefan: Eurafrica. The Untold History of European Integration and Colonialism, London 2014
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    Rez. von Melanie Boehi, Zentrum für Afrikastudien Basel und Basel Graduate School of History
    • Dubow, Saul: Apartheid 1948–1994. , Oxford 2014
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    Rez. von Michael Goebel, Freie Universität Berlin
    • Pedersen, Susan: The Guardians. The League of Nations and the Crisis of Empire, Oxford 2015
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    Rez. von Katharina Döring, Universität Leipzig
    • Wyss, Marco; Thierry Tardy (Hrsg.): Peacekeeping in Africa. The Evolving Security Architecture, London 2014
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    Rez. von Massimo Zaccaria, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Pavia
    • Strang, G. Bruce (Hrsg.): Collision of Empires. Italy's Invasion of Ethiopa and Its' International Impact, Farnham 2013
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    Rez. von Angela Glodschei, Universität Leipzig
    • Irwin, Ryan M.: Gordian Knot. Apartheid and the Unmaking of the Liberal World Order, Oxford 2012
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    Rez. von Enrico Ille, Regional Institute of Gender, Diversity, Peace and Rights, Ahfad University for Women, Sudan
    • Leonardi, Cherry: Dealing with Government in South Sudan. Histories of Chiefship, Community and State, Suffolk 2013
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    Rez. von Nadine Sieveking, Universität Leipzig
    • Falola, Toyin: The African Diaspora. Slavery, Modernity, and Globalization, Rochester 2013
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    Rez. von Lisa A. Lindsay, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
    • Tijani, Hakeem Ibikunle: Union Education in Nigeria. Labor, Empire, and Decolonization Since 1945, Basingstoke 2012
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    Rez. von Manfred Berg, History Department, Heidelberg University
    • Immerman, Richard H.; Goedde, Petra (Hrsg.): The Oxford Handbook of the Cold War. , Oxford 2013
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    Rez. von Geert Castryck, Institut für Afrikanistik / Centre for Area Studies, Universität Leipzig
    • Stanard, Matthew G.: Selling the Congo. A History of European Pro-Empire Propaganda and the Making of Belgian Imperialism, Lincoln 2011
    • Vanthemsche, Guy: Belgium and the Congo, 1885-1980. , Cambridge 2012
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    Rez. von Gerhard Altmann, Korb
    • Muehlenbeck, Philip E.: Betting on the Africans. John F. Kennedy's Courting of African Nationalist Leaders, Oxford 2012
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    Rez. von Stefanie Wodrig, GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies
    • Engel, Ulf; Porto, J. Gomes: Africa's New Peace and Security Architecture. Promoting Norms, Institutionalizing Solutions, Farnham 2010
    • Kabia, John M.: Humanitarian Intervention and Conflict Resolution in West Africa. From ECOMOG to ECOMIL, Farnham, Surrey 2009
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    Rez. von Francoise Vergès, Goldsmiths College, London
    • Larson, Pier M.: Ocean of Letters. Language and Creolization in an Indian Ocean Diaspora, Cambridge 2009
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    Rez. von Jonas Kreienbaum, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    • Langbehn, Volker; Salama, Mohammad (Hrsg.): German Colonialism. Race, the Holocaust, and Postwar Germany, New York 2011
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    Rez. von Ulf Engel, Universität Leipzig / University of Stellenbosch
    • Farley, Jonathan: Southern Africa. , London 2008
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