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    Rez. von Jürgen Dinkel, Historisches Seminar, Universität Leipzig
    • Bessière, Céline; Gollac, Sibylle: The Gender of Capital. How Families Perpetuate Wealth Inequality, Cambridge 2023
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    Rez. von Anna Katharina Lill, Historisches Seminar, Universität Leipzig
    • Koch, Anna: Home after Fascism. Italian and German Jews after the Holocaust, Bloomington, Indiana 2023
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    Rez. von Marco Swiniartzki, Historisches Institut, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
    • Drew, Rob: Unspooled. How the Cassette Made Music Shareable, Durham 2024
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    Rez. von Alexandra Oberländer, Freie Universität Berlin
    • Vinokour, Maya: Work Flows. Stalinist Liquids in Russian Labor Culture, Ithaca 2024
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    Rez. von Jan Homann, Institute for International Peace and Security Law, Universität zu Köln
    • Wheatley, Natasha: The Life and Death of States. Central Europe and the Transformation of Modern Sovereignty, Princeton 2023
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    Rez. von Jürgen Osterhammel, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)
    • Thomas, Martin: The End of Empires and the World Remade. A Global History of Decolonization, Princeton 2024
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    Rez. von Michael C. Schneider, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
    • Levy, Jonathan: Ages of American Capitalism. A History of the United States, New York 2021
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    Rez. von Jasper Trautsch, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
    • Nichols, Christopher McKnight; Milne, David (Hrsg.): Ideology in U.S. Foreign Relations. New Histories, New York 2022
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    Rez. von Florian Balbiani, Universität Erfurt
    • Robinson, Morgan J.: A Language for the World. The Standardization of Swahili, Athens 2022
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    Rez. von Jacob Nuhn, Bremen
    • Szulecki, Kacper; Waluszko, Janusz; Borewicz, Tomasz: The Chernobyl Effect. Antinuclear Protests and the Molding of Polish Democracy, 1986–1990, New York 2022
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    Rez. von Paula Dahl, Arbeitsbereich Globalgeschichte, Universität Hamburg
    • Rahnama, Sara: The Future is Feminist. Women and Social Change in Interwar Algeria, Ithaca, NY 2023
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    Rez. von David Feest, Nordost-Institut (IKGN e.V.) an der Universität Hamburg
    • Pravilova, Ekaterina: The Ruble. A Political History, New York 2023
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    Rez. von Hajo Raupach, Professur für Geschichte Osteuropas und Ostmitteleuropas, Helmut Schmidt Universität Hamburg/Universität der Bundeswehr
    • Malaia, Kateryna: Taking the Soviet Union Apart Room by Room. Domestic Architecture before and after 1991, Ithaca, NY 2023
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    Rez. von Till Mostowlansky, Geneva Graduate Institute and Kyiv School of Economics
    • Scarborough, Isaac: Moscow's Heavy Shadow. The Violent Collapse of the USSR, Ithaca, NY 2023
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    Rez. von Sarah Leahy, School of Modern Languages, Newcastle University
    • Oliver-Powell, Melissa: Pepsi and the Pill. Motherhood, Politics and Film in Britain and France, 1958–1969, New York 2023
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    Rez. von Julia Landau, Gedenkstätte Buchenwald
    • Bernstein, Seth: Return to the Motherland. Displaced Soviets in WWII and the Cold War, Ithaca 2023
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    Rez. von Sven Oliver Müller, Berlin
    • Fléchet, Anais; Guerpin, Martin; Gumplowicz, Philippe; Kelly, Barbara (Hrsg.): Music and Postwar Transitions in the 19th and 20th Centuries, New York 2023
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    Rez. von Jens Späth, Fachrichtung Geschichte, Universität des Saarlandes
    • Isabella, Maurizio: Southern Europe in the Age of Revolutions, Princeton 2023
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    Rez. von Nils Güttler, Institut für Geschichte, Universität Wien
    • Allen, Jennifer L.: Sustainable Utopias. The Art and Politics of Hope in Germany, Cambridge 2022
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    Rez. von Stefan B. Kirmse, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin
    • Riegg, Stephen Badalyan: Russia's Entangled Embrace. The Tsarist Empire and the Armenians, 1801–1914, Ithaca 2020
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