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    Rez. von Goran Musić, Research Platform for the Study of Transformations and Eastern Europe, University of Vienna
    • Trecker, Max: Red Money for the Global South. East-South Economic Relations in the Cold War, London 2020
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    Rez. von Andreas Hilger, Deutsches Historisches Institut Moskau
    • Bajpai, Anandita (Hrsg.): Cordial Cold War. Cultural Actors in India and the German Democratic Republic, Delhi 2021
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    Rez. von Baijayanti Roy, AG Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main
    • Massimilla, Edoardo; Morrone, Giovanni (Hrsg.): Deutschland und der Orient. Philologie, Philosophie, historische Kulturwissenschaften, Hildesheim 2021
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    Rez. von Nadia von Maltzahn, Orient-Institut Beirut, Max Weber Stiftung
    • Maasri, Zeina: Cosmopolitan Radicalism. The Visual Politics of Beirut’s Global Sixties, Cambridge 2020
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    Rez. von Mareike Spychala, Professur für Amerikanistik, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
    • Usbeck, Frank: Ceremonial Storytelling. Ritual and Narrative in Post-9/11 US Wars, Frankfurt am Main 2019
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    Rez. von Susanne Hohler, Historisches Seminar, Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität München
    • Bemporad, Elissa: Legacy of Blood. Jews, Pogroms, and Ritual Murder in the Lands of the Soviets, Oxford 2020
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    Rez. von Clemens Six, Department of History, University of Groningen
    • Menon, Nikhil: Planning Democracy. Modern India's Quest for Development, Cambridge 2022
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    Rez. von Mohammad Gharaibeh, Berliner Institut für Islamische Theologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    • El-Merheb, Mohamad; Berriah, Mehdi (Hrsg.): Professional Mobility in Islamic Societies (700–1750). New Concepts and Approaches, Leiden 2021
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    Rez. von Leonard W. Michael, School of History, University of St Andrews
    • Klüsener, Edgar: Representing Iran in East Germany. Ideology and the Media in the German Democratic Republic, London 2021
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    Rez. von Ritam Sengupta, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin
    • Sarkar, Suvobrata: Let there be light. Engineering, Entrepreneurship and Electricity in Colonial Bengal, 1880–1945, Cambridge 2020
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    Rez. von Robert Kindler, Osteuropa-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin
    • Chu, Pey-Yi: The Life of Permafrost. A History of Frozen Earth in Russian and Soviet Science, Toronto 2021
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    Rez. von Christopher Bahl, Department of History, Durham University
    • Flatt, Emma J.: The Courts of the Deccan Sultanates. Living Well in the Persian Cosmopolis, Cambridge 2019
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    Rez. von Stefan Tetzlaff, Hochschule Konstanz Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung
    • Singha, Radhika: The Coolie's Great War. Indian Labour in a Global Conflict, 1914–1921, London 2020
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    Rez. von Michael Mann, Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    • Hoyer, Francisca: Relations of Absence. Germans in the East Indies and Their Families, c. 1750–1820, Upsala 2020
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    Rez. von Andy Davies, University of Liverpool
    • Namakkal, Jessica: Unsettling Utopia. The Making and Unmaking of French India, New York 2021
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    Rez. von Man Zhang, Forschungsinstitut Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt and Research Centre Global Dynamics, Leipzig Universität
    • Lampton, David M.; Ho, Selina; Kuik, Cheng-Chwee: Rivers of Iron. Railroads and Chinese Power in Southeast Asia, Oakland, California 2020
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    Rez. von Christina Lubinski, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School
    • Raianu, Mircea: Tata. The Global Corporation That Built Indian Capitalism, Cambridge, M.A. 2021
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    Rez. von Timm Schönfelder, Abteilung Mensch und Umwelt, Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa, Leipzig
    • Moon, David; Breyfogle, Nicolas; Bekasova, Alexandra (Hrsg.): Place and Nature. Essays in Russian Environmental History, Knapwell 2021
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    Rez. von Clemens Six, Department of History, University of Groningen
    • Giustozzi, Antonio: The Taliban at War. 2001–2018, London 2019
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    Rez. von Nikolay Kamenov, Chair for the History of the Modern World, ETH Zürich
    • Dietrich Wielenga, Karuna: Weaving Histories. The Transformation of the Handloom Industry in South India, 1800–1960, Oxford 2020
Seite 5 (570 Einträge)